Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 24


https://secure.onekind.org/page/141197/action/1  Stand Up for Pigs, send a letter to the Scottish Government
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/113563/action/1  New footage released by PETA shows dead horses and a camel decaying in rubbish tips and malnourished animals worked to the bone carrying heavy loads of tourists at Egypt’s top tourist sites
https://greenpeace.at/petitionen/wale-schutzgebiete/  Save the whales: protected areas instead of whaling!
https://secure.alaskawild.org/a/refugecosponsorfy25  US-info. Co-sponsor the bipartisan Arctic Refuge Protection Act, it will repeal the Trump-era oil leasing mandate for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect its coastal plain
https://petition.act.greenpeace.org.nz/fast-track-open-letter Stop the Fast Track Bill, NZ, it could see the forests and oceans of Aotearoa reduced to open-cast mines (byTrans-Tasman Resources (TTR), rivers and lakes turned to sewers, and precious wildlife condemned to extinction!
https://action.foe.org/page/73316/action/1  US-info. Oppose new bill to gut the National Environmental Policy Act!
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/videos/491425653656575 Tweets, Stop Japans Barbaric Dolphin Hunts 
https://www.change.org/p/c%C3%B3rdoba-en-llamas  Spain, Andalusia. Since 19/9 the province of Cordoba has been engulfed in flames. The weather conditions are not favourable to the work of firefighters. We ask that a National Emergency be declared and that the province be supported with the necessary aid, we do not want one more refugee, one less tree, or one more animal to loose!
https://www.change.org/p/emergencia-nacional-incendios-sierras-de-cordoba  Extreme weather conditions – strong winds and high temperatures – are aggravating the spread of the fire in Cordoba, this is a national emergency!
https://www.change.org/p/declarar-estado-de-emergencia-nacional-a-la-provincia-de-c%C3%B3rdoba  Declare a State of National Emergency in the Province of Córdoba engulfed in flames! 
https://tinyurl.com/yc8bn9pc  Russia. We ask that 1,500 dogs from the "Happy Friend" shelter (Moscow) not be released into an open field because the city of Moscow has stopped allocating money for the maintenance of dogs - there is simply nothing to feed their dogs. Sergey Semenovich, we ask you to take personal control of the situation and prevent a catastrophe!
https://www.change.org/p/exija-justicia-para-samurai-el-gato-asesinado-en-aldeire Demand Justice for Samurai, the Cat Killed in Aldeire, cruelly murdered and hung in the window of his feeder in Aldeire, Granada! 
https://www.change.org/p/dragado-urgente-para-el-delta-de-victoria-entre-rios-peligro-ambiental-inminente  Our delta is drying up and we need immediate action to help prevent a potential environmental disaster affecting the entire region. Dredging for the Victoria Delta, Entre Rios is urgent
https://www.change.org/p/oppose-lng-buildout-in-the-valley  Protect the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, these sacred lands, animals, air and water against the lng build- out
https://www.change.org/p/pirotecnia-silenciosa  For silent fireworks in Puerto del Rosario
https://www.change.org/p/requerir-al-ayto-del-rincon-victoria-el-acceso-a-las-playas-para-perros-fuera-de-temporada  Requesting the Rincon Victoria City Council to allow dogs to access beaches out of season
Free clicks:

https://media.4-paws.org/0/3/f/8/03f82758132193fcbc2be5ed22668520771e51e2/Fragebogen_NRwahl24_AT.pdf National Council Election 2024 Austria. Positions of the nationally competing parties on animal welfare issues

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