Thursday, September 19, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 19 Submit your objection to the BLM and USFS' inhumane plan to roundup and remove the beloved Montgomery Pass horses! US-info. Congress, pass the Preventing Animal Abuse and Waste (PAAW) Act, HR 7958, which will cut taxpayer funding for not only the NIH’s bleeding puppy colony, but all of its Painful dog (and cat!) experiments! For non-US citizens as well. The US federal government spends a maddening amount of money each year. Countless billions of taxpayer dollars are arguably wasted on ineffective programs, useless research, and bloated bureaucracy that should have been eliminated decades ago!  US-info. The FDA is not properly implementing the law, and it's causing needless and excessive torment of beagles, primates, and other animals in new drug approvals! Please support the FDA Modernization Act 3.0 to compel the FDA to update their regulations to include non-animal-testing methods where they are available in drug development! Reminder. Tell the Canadian Senate Ag Committee to Pass Bill to Ban Horse Exports for Slaughter Against the killing of wolves in the Ardennes (there are only 6 present) . To validate  Reminder. C&K Meats, a Red Tractor and RSPCA Assured slaughterhouse. Help us rewrite the outrageous statement to make it accurate  Stop the slaughter of animals in Palestine! Animal rights associations must respond! Please send a message, see example  Mexico. Demand More Government Support for Animal Shelters Like "Albergue Vida Digna" Demand the Cancellation of Bullfights at the San Francisco Fair, Pachuca, Mexico  Spain. No to deer hunting during the rut!  Calling for an end to the horrific dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia!  Stop the farming of all big cats and ban all commercial trade of big cats and their parts from, within and to South Africa! 
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