Monday, July 22, 2024

Petitions and More, July 22


Stop Attacks on Endangered Species; opponents of endangered species protections in the House of Representatives have included extreme “riders” in these bills Tell Pharrell to Reject Louis Vuitton’s Cruelty! Emmanuel Macron must demand the release of Paul Watson! Captain Paul Watson, founder of the NGO Sea Shepherd , was arrested by Danish police on Sunday, July 21, in Greenland, while he was stopping with his boat to refuel. Paul Watson and his crew were heading to the North Pacific to stop the Japanese ship Kangei Maru from killing whales. Paul Watson is now in custody and faces extradition to Japan, which issued an arrest warrant for him in 2012 for "boarding conspiracy." In reality, Japanese authorities accuse him of interposing himself between whaling ships and whales for years. To validate  US-info. Mosquito Management Requires Biodiversity Conservation  Stop the mass killing of street dogs in Türkiye! To sign the petition, and to send several messages  Germany. Shut down the beagle laboratory in Berlin. The ethical implications of using dogs in laboratory experiments are immense and go far beyond mere animal cruelty  About animal cruelty videos on Facebook. Hold social network operators fully accountable and ensure that a cyber crime unit is installed in companies to check contributions and also pass them on to the police if something illegal happens! Russia. Let's stop the judicial arbitrariness towards Elena Kuznetsova, head of the shelter for homeless dogs "Dobrotetel" in Saratov, taking care of sterilization, vaccination and decent care for many abandoned dogs, now forced, because of her relatives, and the court, to live in a trailer unsuitable for housing, without any living conditions, on land rented from the state for a shelter  France. Against the opening of the Stenay (55) death pound, while in the town of Longwy 54 a great pound project has been filed with the town hall where the animals will be treated with respect and kindness  Italy. Use Silent Fireworks Accompanied by Music instead of traditional fireworks  Demand the cessation of fireworks during processions People Stored 36 Animals in a Bus and Trailer, Where They Were Abused for Bestiality Purposes  Elephants Call Each Other by Sweet Individual Names. But Some Countries Want to Encourage More Hunting

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