Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Petitions and More, July 16

 To open each link, right-click on each of them and choose to open it in a new tab

https://secure.alaskawild.org/a/cariboucorridor  Stronger protections for Arctic caribou and the migration corridors they need to survive
https://action.foe.org/page/70150/action/1 Save innocent mama bears and baby cubs from brutal trophy hunters! 
https://secure.lcanimal.org/page/70140/action/1?ea.url.id=2694232  South Korea’s chicken farms. Sick and injured chickens suffering in filthy and cruel conditions. Tell Weee to stop selling cruelty 
https://action.nonhumanrights.org/a/help-free-mari-and-vaigai Help Free Mari and Vaigai to an elephant sanctuary
https://greenpeace.at/petitionen/korallenriff-tahiti-bpt1/  Destroyed coral reef for surfing event? Stop it!
https://www.change.org/p/stop-c31k-c31k-y%C4%B1-durdurun  A group called C31K, which operates with members in Turkey, Europe and America, has started a terrible wave of violence against innocent animals. This savage group sexually abuses animals, tortures and kills them. This group also distributes and generates income from child pornography, which is a common nightmare for humanity
https://www.change.org/p/justi%C3%A7a-para-os-animais-de-jundiapeba-a%C3%A7%C3%A3o-urgente-pela-sa%C3%BAde-e-bem-estar-animal Brazil. Justice for Jundiapeba’s Animals: Urgent Action for Animal Health and Welfare!
https://www.change.org/p/revisit-house-bill-239  NM. House Bill 239, Animal Shelter and Database, prohibits animals in shelters from being euthanized, unless it is absolutely necessary due to a medical condition or a similar situation. It also provides funding
https://www.change.org/p/oasi-o-rifugio-per-gatti-in-provincia-di-vicenza  Italy. Asking for an oasis or shelter for cats in the province of Vicenza
https://tinyurl.com/3736wcmw  We demand the transfer of capybaras from the Moskvarium to the Moscow Zoo. They need more space and communication
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/552/444/808/ Western Gray Wolves Are Dying out Due to Policy Failure. Demand Protection!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/920/523/633/ Tell Congress: Don't Jeopardize the Lives of Animals and Public Health
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/671/208/524/ Demand that Sea Life Release their Gentoo Penguins 

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