Friday, May 31, 2024

Petitions and More, May 31  Tell Nigerian Officials to Stop Social Media Animal Torturer!  To scroll down and at your right, choose Chapter 47, Gray Wolf Hunting Seasons. Submit an online comment. "For security please follow the validation request" Ends June the 10th. Comment please. Begin by telling the Commission how you feel about wolves and why they must be protected. Following the Cody Roberts incident, the Commission needs to impose stricter protections for wolves! See: ---------  To speak up for the elk and for the protection of our National Seashore, ends June 5. The NPS “preferred alternative,” Alternative B, will remove a fence that has confined the elk to one small part of the Seashore, preventing the herd from migrating to find water and food sources during droughts that has lead to severe die-offs. Agree please  Over 300 dogs were found across two properties. Many dead puppies were found in freezers, and nearly 200 dogs had to be euthanised on welfare grounds. Sign now to help us get justice for abused animals!  Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN): for Coexistence, no to wildlife killing in Switzerland!  Stand up for pigs in Scotland Stop Killing Rabbits For Angora Wool We call on the city of Halifax to sign the Plant Based Treaty  Spain, Higuera la real City Council. 6 innocent puppies beaten to death in the Volver a Latir shelter, this Council is the instigator of the hatred that culminated in this barbaric act!  Italy. On behalf of the cats: resume the collaboration between the Lo Stregatto association, the Municipality of Molfetta and Multiservizi ! Demand EU-Wide CCTV in Slaughterhouses to Protect Animal Welfare! Colombian Congress votes to ban bullfighting!

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