Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Petitions and More, May 28


https://koreandogs.org/pyeongtaek-oakland/ Oakland: Tell Friendship City, Pyeongtaek, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!
https://secure.everyaction.com/ETL7EVnqjUaoEBvhPrYU7A2  Urgent: sign please, comment on BLM's 10-Year Plan for Oregon's Kiger & Riddle Mountain Herds!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-chat-jete-immeuble/230739  France, La Rochelle. Justice for this cat thrown from the top of a building, an act of pure cruelty broadcast on social networks!
https://wilderness.good.do/eudeforestation/emailsinkevicius/  Europe, help end Australia’s deforestation crisis
https://www.marineconservation.org.au/actions/end-special-prospecting-authorities/ Demand an end to seismic blasting SPA permits, to protect endangered species and threatened marine habitats
https://www.change.org/p/bir-yolu-daha-var-k%C3%B6pekler-bar%C4%B1naklara-bar%C4%B1naklar-hayvan-severlere-b%C4%B1rak%C4%B1ls%C4%B1n  Turkey. Allocate land for fenced shelters under legal regulation, transfer the shelter to an association which will run it. Let volunteers finance it
https://www.change.org/p/firmiamo-per-la-creazione-di-un-rifugio-per-gli-animali-ischitani  Island of Ischia, Italy. The absence of a municipal sterilization plan and the frequent abandonments of entire unwanted litters contribute to worsening the situation. Sign for the creation of a shelter for Ischia's animals!
https://www.change.org/p/tu-apoyo-es-crucial-salvemos-vidas-m%C3%A1s-castraciones-es-la-soluci%C3%B3n  City of Bragado (Province of Buenos Aires). For a legal framework to the program that resolves overpopulation and abandonment of animals. More spay and neuter, care, sheltering
https://www.change.org/p/pidamos-a-la-unam-mx-que-cierre-la-granja-de-pulpos-en-yucat%C3%A1n  The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is a pioneer in perpetuating animal cruelty towards one of the most intelligent marine species on the planet: octopuses . Let's not allow it! Close this farm!
https://www.change.org/p/prohibir-la-caza-deportiva-de-aves-aut%C3%B3ctonas-en-entre-rios  Prohibit "sport" hunting of native birds in Entre Rios, Argentina
https://www.change.org/p/requisitar-mais-campanhas-de-castra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-em-hortol%C3%A2ndia  Requesting more Spay and Neuter Campaigns in Hortolândia, Brazil
https://www.change.org/p/exigir-los-derechos-de-los-animales-y-gatos-en-china  Demand the rights for cats and other animals in China
https://www.change.org/p/giustizia-per-kira  Crespiatica. Justice for Kira, poisoned on her own territory
https://tinyurl.com/ys2nbzwd  Russia. Achieve justice and punish Alina Aleksandrovna Naumova who committed a robbery and stole a French bulldog dog from an exhibition in Vladivostok. Return the dog!
https://www.change.org/p/exigimos-la-destituci%C3%B3n-de-la-directora-del-museo-tamayo Mexico City. Dismiss the director of the Tamayo Museum in light of the lack of will and sensitivity to clarify the facts related to a performance entitled: “Tragedy”, from the exhibition Casts by Nina Beier in which dogs were used “pretending to be dead” on Persian rugs. Dogs whose origin, current situation and training are unknown
https://www.change.org/p/betreff-petition-zur-beendigung-der-umweltverschmutzung-in-nigeria-durch-europ%C3%A4ische-und  Demanding urgent action against the environmental pollution in Nigeria by European and international oil companies
https://www.change.org/p/meri%C3%A7-nehri-kenar%C4%B1nda-do%C4%9Fa-ve-%C3%A7evre-katliam%C4%B1na-dur-diyoruz  Turkey. Stop the destruction of Nature and Environment along the Meriç River
https://www.change.org/p/paremos-la-pirotecnia-en-romer%C3%ADas-y-fiestas-patronales  Let's stop the use of pyrotechnics in pilgrimages and patron saint festivities

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