Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, Ban Greyhound Exportation from the UK to barbaric China! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 231 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter!
-------------------------- S. Korea. Please file an e-petition, or send an email, tweet (scroll down please), comment on their Fb pages (sign petition) Urgent, today! Reminder. Submit Comments: National Wild Horse and Burro Citizen Advisory Board Reminder, closes Sept. 16. Ban Consumption of Dogs & Cats in the UK! It may seem extraordinary, but consuming dog meat is currently not illegal in the UK. To confirm Reminder. Ban Horse Slaughter! Last year alone, more than 60,000 healthy wild and domestic American horses were shipped to slaughter facilities in Canada, Mexico and Asia ZIP=5 digits. Tell the FWS: Protect Red Wolves, there are only a few dozen red wolves left! To the Polish Ambassador- it's time Poland banned fur factory farming! A new investigation has uncovered horrendous suffering on a huge mink farm in Poland US-info. Ask Congress to Put an End to Large Factory Farms Hudson Bay is losing ice faster than any other part of the Arctic. Meaning more ships in Canada’s great inland sea. Protecting a huge stretch of Hudson Bay as a National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA) could help ensure the survival of belugas, polar bears, sea birds and other species which are under increasing pressure from the changes in the Arctic Save kangaroos from being made into soccer shoes Every three seconds, in the world, an area of forest the size of a football field is burned to the ground. 80% of forest destruction is caused by the intensive production of soy, palm oil, meat, cocoa and other raw materials. Food that devours the forests! A pledge. The truth behind the slow loris pet trade and 'cute' tickling slow loris videos Requesting protection and care of the wetland, and quick action by the authorities City of Poços de Caldas MG: Requesting a local police station, so rescuers will have the support and authority to remove animals from cruel human beings France. Close this Haute Corse, Furiani kennel and stop the abuse and negligence of these poor dogs, no spay and neuter, no care Mayor Iris Rezende, sign the law that prohibits the trade of puppies and kittens in Goiânia A new (useless) cycle-pedestrian path at our house! The municipality of Galeata has not taken any steps to secure us, our dog Rudy and our cats, with a video surveillance system and a fence, a measure that, although mild, would have been better than nothing! Protected Natural Area-Natural Reserve -UNESCO Zone. Let's save Cozumel. Let's defend Palancar The killer whale who mourned her dead baby for 17 days just gave birth again, but she and her new baby are in danger
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