Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, cosponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 231 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter! Send a message, help ensure that no strata management could unreasonably stop an animal living with their family. Now the Government will decide if they will allow or fight our amendment!
------------------------------------- Reminder. Demand that NIH Director Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, address this important issue and that the NIH stop funding animal cruelty! Animal Rights demands the release of the 40 monkeys locked up in animal testing laboratories of the KU Leuven, Belgium, they deserve a dignified pension in a specialised wildlife sanctuary Frightful facts have come recently to light following the circular that Dubai Municipality addressed to all residents and visitors in which it has been stated that feeding of birds as crows and pigeons and stray animals as cats and dogs is strictly prohibited! France. Stop the massacre of raccoons in the Aisne and elsewhere, Yes to sterilization! To confirm France. Drought, degradation of the environment and the state of the fauna: for a Moratorium on all forms of hunting until further notice! All other activities have been constrained and limited by drought decrees except ..... hunting! France. Release innocent Amstaff dog and puppies, seized on March 22 by the police on the grounds that they were neither microchipped or vaccinated Reminder. Shut down Berryfields, abusive farm! Stop the certification of conflict timber in Sarawak, Malaysia, Borneo; indigenous communities were excluded from the consultation process! To confirm (Civist) US. Vote easily and with confidence. Please verify that you are registered and then share the link with a friend. We need to be ready in November and begin the process to have mail-in ballots or applications sent today! Please also consider emailing the CDC at or calling 1.800.232.4636 and asking them to grant amnesty for these 15 puppies and allow Chicago French Bulldog Rescue to continue to care for them! Application of Law No. 747 Law for the Protection and Welfare of Animals in Nicaragua! Russia. What's the fate of 2 orphaned bear cubs, where are they? Let's save orphaned bears from the village of Bely Yar, in the city of Tavda, Sverdlovsk region! Pinares Reservado complex in Chia, release the security cameras images to find a clue to what happened to Romeo, a yorkie dog, lost/stolen! Let's bring a strong law against animal cruelty in Sri Lanka! Italy. Protest! The Deliberante Council recently approved ordinance 8496/20 presented by the Cambiemos block, which regulates the responsible ownership of pets, criminalizing stray dogs, their protectionists and neighbors. No solution, only collecting money through fines! Brazil. Environmental problems could change if the most important environmental laws were properly followed! Awareness. Animal rights in Pakistan, have the Tollington pet market in Lahore evaluated and regulated to the highest standards of ethical animal treatment France. No to a colossal scale industrial henhouse project of 820,000 per year in the village of Croix-du-Bac in Steenwerck (59181)! Brazil. No to animal trafficking Turkey. No to enlarging the fuel oil discharge facility in the sea at Alanya Yeşilöz Beach, protect carettas/turtles, the habitat of sand lilies and tourisme ! Italy. Let's stop the killing of pigeons in Lombardy, stop the plan to have ,between now and 20 Jan. 2021, 600 hunters eliminate up to a max. of 20,000 pigeons! Sign to stop logging in Cala del Moral, Malaga municipality of Rincón de la Victoria Help stop deforestation and wildfires in the Amazon and Pantanal End the wildlife trade. Forever. Demand that the Australian government changes the country of origin labelling laws for imported pork
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