2 Tweets. Today, we witness the second largest DogMeat market in SKorea being demolished, literally. For sixty years this place tortured and killed countless numbers of dogs. When will Daegu follow? 2 Tweets, Costa Council, NYC Council, Astoria has animal blood & body parts on the sidewalk! Unacceptable! Ban Live Markets! Tweets, co sponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade! Ask @HouseAgGOP, @HouseForeignGOP to MarkUp & Review Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 230 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse slaughter! Azerbaijans dogs, please post your comment Today's Kinley kangaroo update: it's not over yet! Please keep up your emails, politely ask for our plan to be accepted and the lives of these Lilydale roos and their babies spared ;
------------------------- To file an e-People petition, send an email, tweet, scroll down please (and sign the petition) Yeongwol Hoengseong Ask the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus to replace animals in its general surgery residency! Urgent! Urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Protect Wildlife and Wilderness on the Kenai Refuge! Justice SOS kittens against snakes! We would like to obtain a law to prohibit the donation of domestic animals (kittens, puppies, mice, etc.) on social networks or others. Unweaned kittens will be used as food for snakes. We would also like to obtain the ban on owning a snake or other reptiles at home! To confirm Animals in NSW are not being protected because the same government department is responsible for animal welfare and animal industries, and our animal cruelty laws are being enforced by under-resourced and unaccountable charities. For an Independent Office of Animal Protection! Get rainforest destruction out of my bathroom Tesco: your industrial meat is destroying our forests Sample letter to copy/alter/post US-info. Bank of America, bankrolling Arctic drilling isn't just bad business, it's a threat to Indigenous rights and to the climate ZIP=5 digits. Ask the USDA and HHS to indicate that dairy is unnecessary in the Dietary Guidelines The Forest Service plans to expedite logging in proposed wilderness and across miles of old-growth forest and chaparral, deep in the Ventura County backcountry, Pine Mountain Ridge US-info. A public institute has been working for years to influence public opinion and policy, and undermine science, in violation of the law. Take action to defund the Oregon Forest Resources Institute! Prohibit the forceful and painful bleeding of pregnant mares, by causing abortions, still carried out in Argentina and Uruguay for more than 30 years that consists of drawing 10 liters of blood weekly to extract the hormone PMSG, used for sows! If the agreement with China is closed, we will not only be a pandemic factory and a pig factory, we will also be promoting this nefarious practice without any type of ethics! Argentina. For a Law on the Prohibition of Blood Farms of Pregnant Mares and the Slaughter of Equines for export! Russia. Prohibit the shooting of animals listed in the Red Book in the Chelyabinsk region! It's allowed now! Brazil. In 2015 OLX pledged to take stronger enforcement measures in the ads selling animals on its platform but today August 5, 2020 it is still full of ads for animals being sold and many of them in evident mistreatment. OLX, ban animal sales ads and include the animal adoption category Germany. The monster is mostly behind the leash. Dog owners without experience should get a dog license - so every dog is considered a living being that needs education France. Quickly obtain the assessment of Curtis, impounded without any proof concerning the tragic disappearance of his mistress Élisa Pilarski, most likely killed by a pack of dogs, and place him in the custody of his owner, has been impounded since 11/18/2019! Italy. Reduce the exorbitant costs of medicines and veterinary care! Protest! Brazil. Government of Mato Grosso do Sul: the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul suffers from a year of burning! Chile. We want the expansion of the Tunquén, a single ecosystem Beach- Dunario System, Quebrada Seca Slopes and the Tunquén Wetland, which was already declared a Sanctuary in 2014 Italy. Stop the destruction of green areas in the municipality of Mugnano di Napoli Keep the lime trees of the Paseo de Begoña in Gijón, No to indiscriminate felling! Sen. Daines: Reject William Perry Pendley’s Nomination to the Bureau of Land Management Protect Polar Bears. Support the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act Provide safer waterways for whales and marine species!
========================== Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872325 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours The solidarity click for animals You Vote. We Donate. This August, we’re donating $250,000 to groups who are playing key roles in this year’s election efforts Vote please All Creatures newsletter August 3
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