Monday, August 10, 2020

Petitions and More, August 10 Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, cosponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade! Ask @HouseAgGOP, @HouseForeignGOP to MarkUp & Review Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 231 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse slaughter!
---------------------------------------------- Please file an e-People petition, or email, tweet (scroll down), (and sign the petition) ! Actions to take (to sign) Ikea. Destroying the habitat of lynx and brown bears. Best-selling chairs have been traced to illegal logging in Ukraine's ancient Carpathian forest, one of the last sanctuaries for these and other endangered species! Fight for Birds: Protect Trees from Destructive Herbicide Dicamba France, Loiret. Neonicotinoids: against the return of the bee-killing poison! BLM, disband this terrible adoption incentive program, which is paying people to dump wild, untrained, young horses in Kill Pens! Targets missing. Stop the inhumane barbaric killing of animals in killing stations/ dog pounds, and in the streets/fields of Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland! Transported by dog ​​catchers in garbage trucks, beaten to death with iron bars, strangled with wire slings, injected with antifreeze, cruelly abused until they die from it; shot, poisoned,  burned and tortured to death! An armed group of 40 invaders of "Sword" broke into the territory of the Sokoros equestrian club located in the Sokolniki park in Moscow. The club has been in long-term lease and legal title to real estate for over 25 years. Working staff of the club were removed, the life and health of 140 horses are under threat now! We call on government officials at all levels and advocates to help us restore justice and help defend our legal rights! Spain. Public consultation. To reform the laws by modification of the Criminal Code on Animal Abuse! More severe sentences! Spain. For modification of the Animal abuse law! Justice  for Timple Spain. We ask the Court of Arrecide de Lanzarote to reopen the case involving the dog that was killed by Miriam Coll Garcia and Pedro J Borelli and to be tried again! Nigeria. A hunter may pay a maximum fine of $0.52, to kill any wild animal even an Endangered species! Stop wildlife extinction in Ondo State and in Nigeria! Spain. Malaga. Opposing closing the TNR agreement for the cats of Colonia 112, Malaga because of personal disagreements! Spain. Stop the eviction of the Lucena Animals in Trouble Association, caring for 30 cats, victims of abandonment and abuse,  who need daily treatment; city hall, we demand an alternative location! Turkey. (Official) support is needed for mother Pearl and her 355 dogs, located in Ankara Eryaman, people want it to be evacuated Greece. Change your Trace law interpretations on adoption of dogs from abroad! Justice For Karma! In 2018, leaks of an online animal sadism group surfaced, depicting the rape and torture of animals. One particular member, Ruben Marrero Pernas, Woof, lives in Cuba, no charges have been filed yet! Instead of cruel impounding and killing we ask (again) for nationwide spay and neuter; to punish killing of and cruelty to animals; to support and promote local animal shelters and animal welfare work. EU: change the legal situation and strengthen animal protection, binding for all European countries! Ecuador. Justice for Tushuk, an Andean bear monitored in the UNESCO World Geopark Imbabura Large Mammals Conservation Project, Pesillo, Pichincha province, inhabitants of the area caught him, crucified him and strangled him to death. Despite having clearly identified the perpetrators of the event to date, there are NO detainees! Spain. Hardening of the sentence for the murder of Temple in Lanzarote (Teguise) We demand to stop the exploitation of horses in the city of Kazan for tourists; working from early morning until late at night, even during the hottest hours, unable to hide in the shade Save the mountains of Madrid: let's prevent everything from being burned Urge CA Secretary Crowfoot and DA Jackie Lacey to Prosecute Studio City's Coyote Killer! Demand Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue to Ban Fur now! Call on German companies to stop supporting the cruel mink farming in Denmark by purchasing mink carcasses

========================== Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872329 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours Free clicks for animals

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