Thursday, May 9, 2019

Petitions and More, May 9 Please ask these Reps to cosponsor HR961 against horse slaughter and export for slaughter abroad!
---------------------  Reminder. Strongly demand that international observers monitor the Chinese fight against this terrible crisis. The horrible way in which pigs are killed now must stop immediately! Reminder! We need transparency in SUNY cat experiments!  Reminder. US-info. Investigate USDA’s lack of transparency and poor track record in the protection of animal welfare Please call your Illinois state Representative and ask them to vote “yes” on ending the manufacture, marketing and sale of animal-tested cosmetics in Illinois! US-info. Contact your U.S. Representative and demand that they support and endorse Captive Primate Safety Act H.R. 1776 Ontario Tourism Stop Promoting Dog Sledding! More signatures please. Call for urgent animal welfare laws in Vietnam! Stop the very upsetting conditions and treatment of the animals housed at An Noman Park Zoo in Barka, Oman which is owned and operated by Ahmed Al Balushi! Ban cruel conibear and leg hold traps !  New petitions for animals, all to confirm Protect the Ocean from the Threat of Offshore Drilling Best Western hotel chain, present in over 100 countries: stop serving eggs from chickens kept in agonizing cages . To confirm France. ‘Je sign le manifeste’, against intensive breeding of chickens! Brazil. The forms of professional and ‘sport’ hunting for wild animals have been banned in the country for 52 years, through the Fauna Code (Law no. 5,197 / 1967). But there is a mobilization of federal deputies to release them again. Currently, four bills are being passed in the Chamber of Deputies that intend to legalize and facilitate these activities! Protest and sign!  Mexico. Another case of abuse and murder of animals in Yucatan, 'Galleros Mata Perros de Kanasín', murdering street dogs! Mexico, Port of Chicxulub, implement laws against animal abuse in Yucatan! In Argentina the mistreatment and cruelty towards the animals are contemplated in an ancient law of the last century with outrageously low sentences and above they are Not fulfilled! For the application and update of law 14346 against animal abuse! Italy. Severe animal abuse by the owner of dog Maremma, savagely beaten by her owner. The vet gave the first care to the dog, which was transferred to the municipal kennel of Castelvetrano, later to be released to the same violent psycho! Mexico. Protest! Sierra de Vallejo, jungle destroying construction Las Varas highway - Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, 50-kilometer stretch of highway has caused an ecocide in the jungle area, a habitat for species like jaguar, puma and deer! When a dead (domestic) animal is found, please read the chip, take a photograph and publish it on the website of the Principality of Asturias! Owners and management of the ABC network of Taste - refuse to sell toys made of natural fur! Colombia. Prohibit spraying with glyphosate now, these detrimental fumigations are inefficient, they have not contributed to reduce coca and poppy crops! Colombia. Create an action plan to prevent and combat more fires in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, airplanes or helicopters with immediate availability for the Sierra are necessary! Altai Territory. Help the village of Zhilino, it should not become a landfill! Preserve lake Kizikei located on the border of Dagestan and Kalmykia, it’s drying up, it needs water from the Kuma River, from which an artificial channel led to the lake, which is now blocked off leading to an ecological catastrophe Peru. Let's save the main forest reserve of San Pedro de Lloc,  Algarrobal, for reclaiming, reforestation and cessation of logging! Argentina. Stop this pesticide rain, better controls! Justice for Rosita, the Dog Whose Skin Was Peeled Off Like an Orange by Abusers! This Country Lost 60% of Its Rainforests in One Year and No One is Doing Anything About It! Deadline extended! Say NO to the Pebble Mine! Hey UK! Pass the Ban on Wild Animals in Circuses Tell Congress: Protect the EPA Budget
-  China. First click on the (second) Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 3058720 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 3058551 votes now. Every 24 hours
-  Second Page, vote for nr. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 4259060 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalty's for public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------  For Michael Chour’s shelter: the Sound of Animals, Cambodia, all video’s, please subscribe, like and watch as often as possible, it will generate income for the dog's care and food! Just open this link 6 or more times and let the video’s run at the same time (pc) by clicking on it----   Vote please: Yes (69.42 % now), Fur is Cruel! You can vote several times!  Good news! Oregon, SB 580, a bill to ban cyanide devices (also known as M-44s or cyanide bombs), was signed into law earlier this week by Governor Kate Brown!


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