Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Petitions and More, May 7

https://www.facebook.com/cecile.schmitter.77/posts/414403459113724 Retweets.  Speak out against the Dog and Cat meat trade in China, and Yulin!
https://www.facebook.com/cecile.schmitter.77/posts/414404582446945 Retweets. S. Korea. Pass the Arbitrary Slaughter Act_of_Dogs_and_Cats by Congressman Changwon Pyo, @Dr Pyo #dogandcatmeatfreekorea
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/598384530639540  Please ask these Reps to cosponsor HR961 against horse slaughter and export for slaughter abroad!
https://www.cascwild.org/wolvesunderassault/  Urgent. Oregon. Protest! Governor Kate Brown is recommending two radically conservative voices for the Fish and Wildlife Commission, James Nash, a trophy hunter, and Mark Labhart, a timber industry representative!
https://secure.petafrance.com/page/36655/petition/1  Reminder. Prevent Air France from shipping monkeys to their death!
https://secure.avaaz.org/de/community_petitions/Deutschen_Bundestag_Petitionsausschuss_Wir_fordern_eine_Novellierung_des_Tierschutzgesetzes/  If not signed yet. We call for an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act in order to implement the constitutionally guaranteed protection of animals in Germany!
https://www.camara.cl/trabajamos/comision_opley.aspx?prmID=12959 Modifies the law N ° 20.380, On Protection of Animals, with the purpose of prohibiting and sanctioning the organization of dog races in Chile! Comment, or type I agree!
https://wald.greenpeace.at/amazonas-abholzung Rainforest destruction reaches new records. Let us protect the Amazon! Reminder
https://saveourmarinelife.org.au/fishing-fleets/ NO to supertrawlers and overseas fishing fleets!
https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/onlineactions/YTNaCct2VUa9BlHKNEMX6g2?sourceid=1005295 Proposed Pebble Mine Project (POA-2017-271): Please Select "No Action" Alternative
https://secure.314action.org/page/s/314_EM_EN_190505_OffshoreDrilling_U2_X1 Help reverse Trump’s termination of crucial offshore drilling safeguards!
https://www.change.org/p/peter-cosgrove-governatore-generale-dell-australia-l-australia-vuole-sterminare-2-milioni-di-gatti-entro-il-2020-diciamo-no-con-una-firma Protest! Australia wants to exterminate with poison, shooting, trapping to kill 2 million cats by 2020: let's say no with a signature!
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/351538768803323/permalink/354441285179738/ Collection of petitions against the killing of Australia’s cats!)
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-b%C3%A9jar-plan-ces-para-los-gatos-de-b%C3%A9jar-984de94d-a2bd-48cf-9244-8d9dec0d6adc Salamanca, western Spain. Béjar City Council please implement  the CES (Capture-Sterilize-Release) plan now as a viable method of control and help for the hundreds of stray cats that live in our city!
https://www.change.org/p/arcionimariano-gaiman-necesitamos-castraciones-masivas-para-evitar-la-crueldad Argentina. We need Massive Castration Campaigns to avoid Animal Cruelty!
https://www.change.org/p/castraciones-masivas-tucuman-juanmanzurok-osvaldojaldo Argentina. For Massive, Systematic, Free, Extended Castrations in Tucumán of Animals!
https://www.change.org/p/castraciones-masivas-y-gratuitas-para-animales-de-rawson For Massive and free castratio campaigns for Rawson animals
https://www.change.org/p/os-senadores-e-os-deputados-federais-mudar-nossa-lei-ambiental-lei-no9-605-12-2-98 Brazil. Change our environmental Law nº .605 (12/2/98)! The current law allows you to KILL, TRAFFIC any animal in the most cruel ways! Change this into intentional crimes against the Environment: a) fauna: kill, pursue, catch, traffic, sell, use and hunt wildlife, native or not; abandonment, omission of relief, Inappropriate transport, use of animals as guinea pigs, b) flora: all harmful acts, c) pollution and environmental crimes: harmful acts ; the unbridled deforestation, especially of the Amazon!
https://www.change.org/p/bundesrat-sofortige-enthebung-von-bundesministerin-julia-kl%C3%B6ckner-aus-ihrem-amt Germany. Immediate release of Federal Minister Julia Klöckner from her office, she's anti animal welfare!
https://bit.ly/2H3Meb3 Republic of Kalmykia. ​​Protecting and caring for homeless animals. Create a shelter in Elista, build a functioning animal shelter where they are protected from the cold, from starvation and from dogkillers
https://www.change.org/p/prefeitura-de-araruama-fim-a-animais-morrendo-por-abandono-e-jogados-no-lixo-em-araruama Brazil. Stop the Animals dying by abandonment and thrown in the trash in Araruama-RJ
https://www.change.org/p/profepa-salvemos-reserva-natural-de-rio-cuchujaqui-alamos-sonora-pueblo-magico Mexico. Save The natural protected area of ​​the Sierra de Alamos Sonora del Rio Cuchujaqui, being invaded with mining exploration activities, road expansion, use of machinery, extraction of samples among others.
Consequences are clear: extinction of endemic animal species in the area such as jaguars, macaws, vegetation, and increasing contamination of the scarce water!
https://www.change.org/p/naciones-unidas-https-visit-un-org-es-premio-nobel-de-la-paz-para-al-doctor-jorge-yunda Ecuador. Give the Nobel Peace Prize to the mayor of Quito, Dr. Jorge Yunda, for promoting the preservation of nature, respect and protection of animals
https://www.change.org/p/semarnat-no-a-la-poda-del-rio-santa-catarina-en-nuevo-leon Stop the contamination, pollution of the Santa Catarina river and environment in Nuevo Leon
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/197/056/324/ These Two Jerks Filmed Themselves Throwing a Helpless Dog off a Cliff!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/739/465/040/ Demand mobile veterinary clinics and independent ABC centers with out involvement of municipalities
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/699/855/330/ Kim Kardashian Visited An Abusive Elephant Zoo
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/570/015/029/ This Woman Was Filmed Abandoning Her Dog at a Stranger's Door
- http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm  China. First click on the (second) Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 3050083 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 3050010 votes now. Every 24 hours
- http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm  Second Page, vote for nr. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 4249923 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalty's for public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVf8JUlE8SAtio3yrasOdFA  For Michael Chour’s shelter: the Sound of Animals, Cambodia, all video’s, please subscribe, like and watch as often as possible, it will generate income for the dog's care and food! Just open this link 6 or more times and let the video’s run at the same time (pc) by clicking on it----
https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/03/28/furriers-protest-proposed-fur-sale-ban/   Vote please: Yes (69.29 % now), Fur is Cruel! You can vote several times!
https://www.facebook.com/events/310627139608486/ Ban 1080, event, Tasmania, Australia


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