Friday, March 9, 2018

Petitions and More, March 9 US-info. Ask President Trump to Ban Trophy Imports from African Nations! Lawmakers in Washington, D.C. are poised to add irresponsible policy provisions (known as “riders”) to budget bills that arbitrarily remove the Wolf from the Endangered Species List. If passed and the Wolf is delisted, states will proceed with Wolf trophy hunting! Take action twice, please, needs a lot of attention! Focus on:   ---------- US-info. Urge yourr senators and representatives to oppose the most egregious, anti-Wilderness bills: the "Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act,” an NRA/Safari Club International-backed bill; the “Wheels in Wilderness Bill” (H.R. 1349); “Border Bills” ;  the so-called “Protect Public use of Public Lands Act (S. 2206) and any Senate companion bills to H.R. 3905 and H.R. 3115! They Knowingly Profit From Donkey Torture! Stop selling cruelly obtained donkey gelatin immediately! C.T.A. GROUP #3 (of 5) Reps #11-15 emails, calls March 1, 2018. H.Res.401 condemning the DCMT Globally is Now Stalled. Immediately after it was marked up and passed through the F.A.C. with 100% support, it has NOT gained movement. PLEASE urge these members of the F.A.C. (that voted in favor of ending this trade), to contact GOP LEADER, KEVIN McCARTHY to have him "move H.Res.401 to the floor for a vote."  -------- Needs more sign. The Netherlands. Sick of intensive livestock farming; horror images from the Dutch pig industry Netherlands, the fencing in of big grazers is deadly in the Oostvaardersplassen, the Netherlands, give them more space. To confirm Sign and send a public comment to Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: Don't let Trump expand drilling off our coasts! Russia. Re-qualify cruel treatment of animals in the category of particularly serious crimes! Russia. Urgent! The Buryatia authorities signed a law allowing the shooting of the freshwater seals in Lake Baikal! The Nerpa, the only freshwater seal and a symbol of Lake Baikal, were protected by the state, but were poached anyway because of the valuable fat, supplied mainly to China and fur, whose hats are so popular with our deputies! Spain. Catalonia. Masquefa Town Hall. We demand action against those who poison and kill the cats of a managed colony! Vote against this GDF initiative to destroy the Park Way, the quality of life of DF residents, safety, our green surroundings, our streams, our tranquility, our animals and our clean air Turkey. For Vegan / Vegetarian Menu's at Ege University
Thepetitionsite   Against the dog and cat meat trade, these all need more signatures, will be handdelivered soon, Florida, HRes. 401! As well, Washington and Wyoming, HRes 401 and HR 1406  EU, approve an international law on the protection of companian animals and the ethical management of stray dogs The three largest Dutch banks - Rabobank, ING and ABN AMRO - have invested at least € 8.8 billion (!) In the period 2012 up to and including 2017 in large-scale, animal-unfriendly companies in the intensive livestock industry
           =========   News and more   =========  3/6/18 Update on the 154 dogs rescued from the butchers   The funds needed to save the 154 dogs from going back to the slaughterhouse is just now short $60.  Please be assured these 154 dogs will NOT go back to the slaughterhouse, not over a small amount ... !


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