Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Petitions and More, March 13

https://www.facebook.com/OnlyNomaly/posts/10213235953444847 Monday 3/12/18 #HR1406  Daily action Targets --> Reps #47 - #48
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PassHRes30/permalink/551004985270408/ Monday 3/12/18  #HRes401  Daily action  Targets--> Reps #47 - #48    -----------
https://action.peta2.com/page/4475/action/1 Tell Volkswagen to pledge never to conduct experiments on animals again!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/retrait-totalite-animaux-monsieur-massoubre/40840 France. Gironde. For the removal of all the animals of Mr. X! To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/urgent-menaces-extinction-habitat-ete-decime/40763 Urgent. Endangered since their habitat was decimated by logging, the Couillard government abandons them to certain death
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/decathlon-supprimez-rayons-chasse/40611 Decathlon, stop your hunting sprees! Selling glue to trap birds and implicitly supporting poaching; promoting illegal shooting of corvids!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/nature-environnement/contre-abattage-dizaines-arbres-entreprise-chanel/40771 France. Against the felling of dozens of trees by the company #Chanel for a parade decor
https://environmental-action.webaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25053  Oppose any management plan that industrializes the lands previously protected within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
https://aktion.campact.de/mercosur/appell/teilnehmen/ The Mercosur trade agreement with Brazil and Argentina is nearing completion. With this, masses of cheap meat will be imported into the EU
http://bit.ly/2p7jOnK Russia. Protest! The head of the Istra district of the Moscow region has issued a directive - the general shooting of all homeless animals in the territory of the district from 22.00 to 05.00 inclusive!
http://bit.ly/2FuCnx2 We want justice for the poisoning of Buyan, we demand an investigation and punishment of the killers of the Guardian Dog of the Island-Grad Sviyazhsk!
https://www.change.org/p/ablanca-hoteles-silken-com-que-respete-la-colonia-de-gatos-controlada-y-no-vuelva-a-llamar-a-zoosanitario Protest! Spain. Sevilla. Hotel Al Andalus Palace Silken has called the 'sanitary service' to capture the cats from the colony which are neutered and well cared for by Zarpitas Urbanas!
https://www.change.org/p/pierre-charron-urgent-aidons-nathalie-doucet-de-saint-eustache-qu%C3%A9bec-canada-a-garder-ses-20-chats Canada. New petition. If not done so yet, send an email to  maire@ville.saint-eustache.qc.ca Mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron, issue as soon as possible a Special Permit that would allow Nathalie Doucet to keep her 20 cats in her garage designed for this purpose!
https://www.change.org/p/seprona-de-a-estrada-localizaci%C3%B3n-y-custodia-de-toby-forcarei-ya Spain. Toby, kept on a chain in miserable conditions, is now missing and we fear for his life! We have filed a complaint with Seprona to have this investigated and to start proceedings against its alleged owner, removing Toby and placing it under the custody of the animal protection association BaiSenPulgas!
https://www.change.org/p/alcaldia-pitalito-huila-detengan-la-matanza-de-perros-y-gatos-en-pitalito-huila Colombia. Stop the poisoning and vicious killing of dogs and cats in Pitalito Huila!
https://www.change.org/p/info-aytoestivella-com-ay%C3%BAdanos-a-evitar-el-desalojamiento-del-refugio-sos-animales-sagunto Spain. Support needed, and email to be sent; because of a simple bureaucratic problem, after 8 years and 2000 rescued dogs, they demand us to evict our shelter for abandoned and abused animals, now 150 dogs. They will end up in a dog pound to be killed!
http://bit.ly/2p8RKR2 Russia. Moscow. Punishment for the 'owner' of this little lioness Miya, responsible for her death
https://www.change.org/p/sokak-hayvanlar%C4%B1-i%C3%A7in-mama-ve-su-makinas%C4%B1 Turkey. Requesting the placement of food and water distributors for street animals
http://bit.ly/2Dnkt9v Russia. Dmitrov district of Moscow,  close this 'mountain zoo', release the fox to freedom or relocate it to a place where it will be provided with the appropriate care
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PassHRes30/permalink/550927228611517/  Please double check:  N. Carolina, N. Dakota and N. Mariana Island, HRes. 401 and HR 1406!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/803/478/298/ Protect Snow Leopards, Keep Trophy Hunting Illegal!

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