Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Petitions and More, February 7 Once more. Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai, Call for an End to Dog and Cat Meat in China! Once more. It's Time to End Horse Slaughter, For Good;  Pass the SAFE Act (S. 1706 / HR 113) to Ban Horse Slaughter! US. Scroll down: NYC Carriage Horses Need Your Help Now! No slaughter, retirement, more demands. Call Melissa Mark-Viverito today and urge her to please bring the amended Intro 573 to a vote: 212-788-7210 Express and Forever 21, drop wool in favor of animal-friendly materials  US-info. Congress: Stop forcing sustainable farmers to foot the bill for Big Ag's lobbying! (S.740 / H.R. 1752 and S.741 / H.R. 1753 ) To leave a message for ‘dr. dogmeat’ (if you’re able to...)  Pledge to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge NMF, abandon your failed approach to managing anchovy and join the 21st century by developing a new, real-time management framework that accounts for year-to-year changes in anchovy ‘abundance’  Statoil, follow BP and Chevron’s lead and get out of our Bight Russia. Prosecute Anna Starikov, reopen the investigation on 245 St., city of Yekaterinburg. Was paid for the temporary housing of pets. 18 dogs and cats were found dead Ukraine. Petition against cruelty in Ukraine, create shelters, with volunteers  Ban the shooting of stray dogs in Cahul - Moldova. Too late.... Start sterilization programs for stray animals in the Chechen Republic Thailand. Provide shelters to animals, focused on finding homes for dogs and cats nationwide Argentina. Release or relocate these monkeys at the (not public) private zoo at General Pico, on San Martin Avenue because of it's conditions! Italy. Protest! Tyson, Elly and Jolly, my beloved pit bull dogs, were seized by the authorities and taken to the kennels of Trento Russia. Bring to justice this man who abused a cat jumping on his Mercedes Preserve the porpoises and the nature of Laguna - SC before it's too late! Against a processing plant for waste mercury in Europe! For hundreds of years the mining of mercury mines of Almaden and Arrayanes (Mayasa government company) in Ciudad Real have been poisoning our health and our territory
                      =========  News and more   =========== Don’t forget, vote every 24 hours, against animal abuse, China; click on the red hand in the middle (or on the grey lining), drag it up to the SECOND PAGE, nr. 3, now 1182940 votes, click on the thumbs up! Thanks


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