Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Petitions and More, February 6

http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51421/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=23695 US-info. Oppose Riders Taking Aim at Endangered Wolves and the ESA!
http://www.whitecoatwaste.org/contact-congress/#/9  US-info. Tell Congress to end VA's "maximum pain" experiments on dogs!
https://www.facebook.com/OnlyNomaly/posts/10212939595676088 Twitter, email, calls, target Highest Republican HSLF Scores List # 105 – 115 + 7 Key Reps w Message: "HR1406 outlaws Dog Cat Meat Trade! Global Fight includes USA! Turning away will not make it go away. Their only voice is yours. They endure because they have no choice, but You Do! Send HR1406 Cosponsor to @RepHastingsFL Cc: @GOPLeader @LaraLeaTrump @SpeakerRyan"!
https://www.animalequality.de/schweinehoelle-in-spanien/ Stop the ‘living’ hell in Spain for pigs!
http://scotlandforanimals.org/2018/02/05/scottish-government-announces-it-will-oppose-a-ban-live-exports/   Let them know that they do not speak for us on this issue and that they must support a ban! Contact Nicola Sturgeon: scottish.ministers@gov.scot
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/demande-sncf-arreter-investir-maltraitance-animale/19881 If not signed yet. France. Management team of SNCF railway system: stop investing in unimaginable suffering of trapped birds! 
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/  Petitions, if not signed yet
https://act.greenpeace.org/page/18489/action/1 If not submitted yet. Every year the government opens up more of Australia’s treasured ocean environment for oil and gas exploration. It’s time for that to stop
https://act.nrdc.org/letter/af-senate-monuments-180201 US-info.  Senators, protect our national monuments by signing on to the ANTIQUITIES Act of 2018 without delay!
https://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/time-solutions-work Environment Ministers, Australians need real, tangible change for our incredible environment and all the animals and people who rely on it to survive
http://bit.ly/2nHAuSO  Russia. Stop the poisoning and killing of animals, along the route of the President of Russia for the cities of Russia, in front of the city's residents and children who are suffering the most severe psychological trauma due to the gravest tortures of dying animals!
http://bit.ly/2GTwvKY Russia. Stop lawlessness and corruption in the Tula region! This is the year of the volunteers, authorities of Tula region categorically do not want to cooperate with the volunteers in the Tula region to discuss pressing issues including the situation of stray animals!
http://bit.ly/2EoaK7B Russia. Moscow. Better circumstances for impounded cats, improve medical care and living conditions,  protect animals living outside from being walled in, look at our program!
https://www.change.org/p/no-m%C3%A1s-perros-en-situaci%C3%B3n-de-calle-sobrepoblaci%C3%B3n-y-abandono-chiapas State of Chiapas. No more dogs on the street, overpopulation and abandonment, introduce sterilization and adoption campaigns
https://www.change.org/p/oficina-de-protecci%C3%B3n-animal-de-la-municipalidad-de-providencia-hacer-justicia-alas-asesinas-de-rubita-gonzales-y-vivian-canela-sof%C3%ADa-helena We want justice for the dog dragged to death behind a pick-up truck by "Rubita Gonzales" and "Vivian Cinnamon (Helena Sofia)" , San Estanlisnao Paraguay, video on Fb!
https://www.change.org/p/paot-c%C3%A1rcel-al-asesino-del-perrito-que-fue-golpeado-y-atado-de-un-%C3%A1rbol-en-la-deleg-iztacalco Jail time for the murderer of the dog who was beaten and tied to a tree in the Deleg, Iztacalco!
https://www.change.org/p/gobierno-galicia-pradera-beahyder Spain, Galicia. Municipality of Meis, end the harassment suffered by Bea protecting rescued animals, and provide a satisfactory solution for Bea and her animals and their home "La Pradera"!
https://www.change.org/p/plastik-mikro-tanecikler-denizleri-kirletmesin Turkey. Plastic micro particles pollute the sea!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/863/300/824/ Justice for Rex, Puppy Who Was Tied Up and Tossed From a Car!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/393/507/036/ Stop the Chicken Toss and Pig Chase at Wisconsin's Pioneer Days Festival!
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