Monday, March 2, 2015

Petitions and More, March 2  Six tons of Ivory in 2 years from Zimbabwe to China! Closing loopholes; find your CITES country representative on the list below, copy/paste the suggested letter into an e-mail, and send it off please! Bosnia, save these Horses from their abuser, Vladimir Mitic, owner of the unregistered Equestrian Club Lux, who keeps horses at the track in inhumane conditions, abusing, kicking, wounding, even killing them! Confirm signature please (spam) Tweetstorm from StopYuLin2015 21st March
( UK's Prime Minister: immediate action to use your influence to end the inhumane trade in dogs and cats, send a letter as well!) Russia, Gov. Omsk region, mayor, prosecutor, we demand a thorough check of catching stray dogs and their conditions of detention in the city of Omsk! Urgent! France, Banon, Alps de Haute Provence: save Caramel and the other cats, all neutered and cared for by volunteers, from starvation!  Current Mayor Philip Wagner issued a decree prohibiting the feeding of cats, fining those who do not comply with the order! France, Saint Bonnet, stop this barbaric custom (dead geese pulling in september) Swedish government-Agricultural minister: forbid legal euthanasia of healthy pets and animals Mcvities, Oreos, Hill biscuits, Maryland, Fox's and Cadbury's Stop Putting Palm Oil in Your Biscuits
                        ==========   News and more  ========= Expose the people that spread rumors and lies so that people will know who the real abusers are!  You could win 5000 meals for your favorite shelter!


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