Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Petitions and More, March 31

http://e-activist.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1736&ea.campaign.id=37262 Min. Kasukuwere, withdraw your attack on animal welfare worker,  Mr Johnny Rodrigues, who is trying to save Zimbabwean baby elephants from a life of horrifying cruelty!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/sauvez-animaux-cirque-mexique/14019 Mexico, wild circus-animals will be forbidden, but they  might be euthanized becuase it’s too ‘expensive’ to feed them any longer! Take action and confirm please!
Greece, require owners to have their dogs neutered
https://www.prowildlife.de/protestaktion_1 Stop the Dolphin slaughter in Peru!
http://action.sumofus.org/a/quaker-palm-oil/ Quaker customers want to be sure they're not buying rainforest destruction, and all the suffering that comes with it!
http://chn.ge/1xPLxuV Japan, Cyber Crime Dep., Crackdown on and Delete the Internet site for promoting Animal cruelty!
https://www.change.org/p/ley-principe-aprobar-la-ley-pr%C3%ADncipe-en-colombia-contra-el-maltrato-animal Colombia, Congress, approve the # Ley087 , the Animal Protection Act, penalizing Animal Abuse in Colombia!
http://chn.ge/1IhsucW Russia, Moscow region, punish this offender for severe Animal Cruelty with the maximum sentence!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-candelaria-que-retiren-la-modificaci%C3%B3n-de-la-ordenanza-municipal-reguladora-de-la-protecci%C3%B3n-y-tenencia-de-animales Spain, Candelaria, withdraw the Amendment to the Municipal Ordinance Regulating the Protection and Keeping of Animals; we say No to a ban on feeding strays, No to fining owners for their dogs barking!
https://www.change.org/p/mancomunidad-vega-del-henares-queremos-un-convenio-de-colaboraci%C3%B3n-para-reducir-el-n%C3%BAmero-de-animales-sacrificados Spain, make kennel Azuqueca de Henares accept volunteers to improve animal welfare and reduce the number of deaths/ killings
http://chn.ge/1BJ1OxI Japan, Moriura, Taiiji, stop building a Whale restaurant and Sea food shopping center!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/775/974/679/ Bosnia, Sarajevo, Stop killing abandoned Dogs because the Pope is going to visit the country!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/618/102/617/ Pope Francis, to stop the killing of Sarajevo’s Dogs!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/657/433/137/ NY ACC, remove DOH and make it a no-kill center!
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https://www.ing-diba.at/vereinstausender/vereindetails?club_id=241 Don’t forget: Stimme abgeben, Vote for Animal Spirit, to let them save more Foals from slaughter in Italy! You can request 3 voting codes every day for every email address, until April 7! Place 6 now!
http://www.forgotten-paws.com/    Serbia’s Forgotten Paws, to support


Monday, March 30, 2015

Petitions and More, March 30

http://www.yousignanimals.org/Kittens-painted-in-yellow-and-left-to-DIE-on-street-in-China-Take-Action-Now-t-2046  If ‘page not found’, scroll down please to open the first petitionlink
http://voicelessfriends.org/take-action/ If not signed yet:  China, Ban the Dog and Cat meat trade, and introduce an Animal Welfare Law!
http://www.petities24.com/stad_brugge_stop_met_het_euthanaseren_van_zwerfkatten Brugge, Belgium, stop euthanizing stray cats! To confirm
http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3423a302db117195a68a55081&id=767cca2ef8&e=8852d88c31 To send another email:  the elephants must stay in Seattle
https://www.change.org/p/people-for-the-ethical-treatment-of-animals-peta-puni%C3%A7%C3%A3o-para-o-monstro-do-video-praticando-maus-tratos-contra-animais-rafael-hermida-fonseca Federal Public Ministry, state and local authorities of Rio de Janeiro, take urgent action on the case of severe animal abuse by this monster, filmed on 07/02/2015 in Rio de Janeiro!
https://www.change.org/p/luis-emilio-tovar-bello-alcalde-donde-est%C3%A1n-los-animales-decomisados-en-diciembre-en-arauca-que-no-tiene-el-ica Colombia, Arauca, where are the other confiscated Animals, are they still alive? Every animal deserves respect
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/987/353/463/ Support of new bill to remove DOH control from the NYC ACC, to reform it to a no-kill shelter
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https://www.ing-diba.at/vereinstausender/vereindetails?club_id=241 Don’t forget: Stimme abgeben, Vote for Animal Spirit, to let them save more Foals from slaughter in Italy! You can request 3 voting codes every day for every email address, until April 7! Place 6 now!
Serbia: students of the Veterinary College urge citizens to join them April 4, 2015, in Belgrade, Trg Republike, 12 am, to express the disapproval of the Amendments to the Animal Welfare Act, opening the door to using homeless animals for Vivisection! 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Petitions and More, March 28

Brasil, stop the silent suffering in your animal-pounds, ignoring laws and practices relating to the rights of animals!
http://action.ciwf.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=119&ea.campaign.id=35662&ea.tracking.id=7774353c UK-elections, UK only. I want a farming system that delivers high standards of animal welfare and: etc.
http://act.wildhorsepreservation.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=19929 US-info. Dump anti-Virginia Range Horse Bill AB431 !
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U-pAfxVARr-4mqPDumqsIPIVhixnlRnxBuw_ROigUlA/edit Yulin. Left-click as if to copy, use  Ctrl +c, paste or use  ctrl +v ) If you do this first in translate.google.com , the text will be okay
http://www.obrancizvirat.cz/petice/ Czech Rep., Min. of Agriculture, Chamber of Deputies Parl.,  Czech Senate: adopt an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act, which will lead to a complete ban of fur-farming!
https://www.change.org/p/a-l-union-europ%C3%A9enne-portons-plainte-contre-la-roumanie-pour-d%C3%A9noncer-les-massacres-des-chiens Official complaint:  Romania has simply dismissed the annulment of the ‘Death Act for Dogs’. They are now free to start killing again, starting in Breasta Dogpound, Craiova!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/532/125/787/ India, Kerala, stop the slaughter of Dogs!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/762/725/406/ Klaus Ioannis, Pres. Romania, save the Breasta Dogs!
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https://www.facebook.com/events/614356682041228/ Dogpound Breasta, Craiova, Romania: these are the dogs, some have been pulled/saved, please support fostering them; the others are at risk of being massacred! Most of them innocent, sweet little dogs, abandoned on the streets because their owners just don't care ; volunteers will try to save as many as possible before the killing starts again (legal euthanasia as we know it is not used..)!
http://www.hsi.org/news/press_releases/2015/03/fws-black-rhino-issues-import-permit-032615.html US Fish and Wildlife Service Issues Black Rhino Trophy Import Permit!
https://www.ing-diba.at/vereinstausender/vereindetails?club_id=241 Don’t forget: Stimme abgeben, Vote for Animal Spirit, to let them save more Foals from slaughter in Italy! You can request 3 voting codes every day for every email address! Animal Spirit went up from place 36 to place 7 now!


Friday, March 27, 2015

Message for the Mayor of Craiova/Breasta dogpound, and others

Sample letter:

To: consiliulocal@primariacraiova.ro ; office@ansvsa.ro ; gardamediu@gnm.ro ; cope@senat.ro ; cabinet.vasilescu@yahoo.com,

Cc: stiri.craiova@digi24.ro ; anca.ochianu@lupamea.ro ; redactia@lupamea.ro ; martorocular@realitatea.net ; redactia@romanialibera.ro ; contact@evenimentul.ro ; info@RomaniaTourism.com ; office@gds.ro ; stefanbernhardeck@yahoo.de ; keithtaylor@greenmeps.org.uk ,

Subject: Breasta Public Shelter, Craiova, 28th/29th March 2015‏

Mayor of Craiova, Olguta Lia Vasilescu
President of Romania, Klaus Johannis
To whom it concerns

Mayor of Craiova, Olguta Lia Vasilescu:

Animal Rights Organizations and all those from the Romanian international community heard the news that you planned to start again with the horrific slaughter of dogs impounded in the Breasta public dogpound, without a legitimate reason.

This drama will start again this Saturday, March 28 2015!

We ask you to immediately recall this immoral, inhumane and illegal action which is NOT in line with the ‘rabies’-funds subsidies and it’s conditions, allocated by the European Union to Romania!

IT IS NOT MENT TO BARBARICALLY KILL DOGS! You never even provided legal euthanasia-means for sick or severely injured dogs in this Breasta dogpound hell hole!

We are undertaking a massive protest operation at the European Parliament, an information campaign on what happens in Breasta, your town Craiova, and intend to whitespread this within all European states.

You are responsible as the mayor, last but not least!

We, who abhor all forms of violence and cruelty towards innocent, defenseless, sentient beings, are even more amazed and horrified to see that it's a woman who has approved such barbarism, and sadism, how unethical and immoral!

We remind you that the world is watching these offenses and crimes and that murdering thousands of dogs will be brought out publicly!


Romania, NOT again, NO to the brutal butchering of defenseless, abandoned Dogs! Stop the planned killing of 300 dogs in Dogpound Breasta, Craiova, this weekend March 28 2015!

Cc: jacqueline.foster@europarl.europa.eu ; georges.bach@europarl.europa.eu ; paul.brannen@europarl.europa.eu ; ryszard.czarnecki@europarl.europa.eu ; seb.dance@europarl.europa.eu ; gerben-jan.gerbrandy@europarl.europa.eu ; julie.girling@europarl.europa.eu ; anneliese.dodds@europarl.europa.eu ; richard.howitt@europarl.europa.eu ; andrzej.duda@europarl.europa.eu ; esther.delange@europarl.europa.eu ; joerg.leichtfried@europarl.europa.eu ; pavel.poc@europarl.europa.eu ; Jill.evans@europarl.europa.eu ; anna.fotyga@europarl.europa.eu ; neena.gill@europarl.europa.eu ; stefan.eck@europarl.europa.eu ; anja.hazekamp@europarl.europa.eu ; karin.kadenbach@europarl.europa.eu ; david.martin@europarl.europa.eu ; isabella.loevin@europarl.europa.eu ; marit.paulsen@europarl.europa.eu ; sirpa.pietikainen@europarl.europa.eu ; charles.tannock@europarl.europa.eu ; keith.taylor@europarl.europa.eu ; marita.ulvskog@europarl.europa.eu ; ernest.urtasun@europarl.europa.eu ; ivo.vajgl@europarl.europa.eu ; julie.ward@europarl.europa.eu ; jadwiga.wisniewska@europarl.europa.eu ; janusz.wojciechowski@europarl.europa.eu ; linda.mcavan@europarl.europa.eu ; catherine.bearder@europarl.europa.eu ; vicky.ford@europarl.europa.eu ; mariadoloreslola.sanchezcaldentey@europarl.europa.eu ; fredrick.federley@europarl.europa.eu ; claudiuciprian.tanasescu@europarl.europa.eu ; liliana.rodrigues@europarl.europa.eu ; kosma.zlotowski@europarl.europa.eu ; roza.thun@europarl.europa.eu ; boleslaw.piecha@europarl.europa.eu ; kazimierzmichal.ujazdowski@europarl.europa.eu ; zbigniew.kuzmiuk@europarl.europa.eu ; marekjozef.grobarczyk@europarl.europa.eu ; dawid.jackiewicz@europarl.europa.eu ; beata.gosiewska@europarl.europa.eu ; bas.eickhout@europarl.europa.eu ; marlene.mizzi@europarl.europa.eu ; claude.turmes@europarl.europa.eu ; petras.austrevicius@europarl.europa.eu ; valentinas.mazuronis@europarl.europa.eu ; herbert.dorfmann@europarl.europa.eu ; michela.giuffrida@europarl.europa.eu ; marco.zullo@europarl.europa.eu ; giulia.moi@europarl.europa.eu ; marco.affronte@europarl.europa.eu ; fabiomassimo.castaldo@europarl.europa.eu ; miltiadis.kyrkos@europarl.europa.eu ; isabella.adinolfi@europarl.europa.eu ; giorgos.grammatikakis@europarl.europa.eu ; kostas.chrysogonos@europarl.europa.eu ; arne.gericke@europarl.europa.eu ; peter.liese@europarl.europa.eu ; dominique.bilde@europarl.europa.eu ; sophie.montel@europarl.europa.eu ; heidi.hautala@europarl.europa.eu ; henna.virkkunen@europarl.europa.eu ; jeppe.kofod@europarl.europa.eu ; petri.sarvamaa@europarl.europa.eu ; morten.messerschmidt@europarl.europa.eu ; margrete.auken@europarl.europa.eunn ; jorn.dohrmann@europarl.europa.eu ; rikke.karlsson@europarl.europa.eu ; georgi.pirinski@europarl.europa.eu ; tonino.picula@europarl.europa.eu ; emil.radev@europarl.europa.eu ; kathleen.vanbrempt@europarl.europa.eu ; mark.demesmaeker@europarl.europa.eu ; bart.staes@europarl.europa.eu ; claraeugenia.aguileragarcia@europarl.europa.eu ; richard.corbett@europarl.europa.eu ; franc.bogovic@europarl.europa.eu ; klaus.buchner@europarl.europa.eu ; kay.swinburne@europarl.europa.eu ; daniel.dalton@europarl.europa.eu ; pascal.durand@europarl.europa.eu ; takis.hadjigeorgiou@europarl.europa.eu ; jytte.guteland@europarl.europa.eu ; james.nicholson@europarl.europa.eu ; younous.omarjee@europarl.europa.eu ; ian.hudghton@europarl.europa.eu ; renate.sommer@europarl.europa.eu ; ulrike.mueller@europarl.europa.eu ; michele.rivasi@europarl.europa.eu ; peter.jahr@europarl.europa.eu ; mairead.mcguinness@europarl.europa.eu ; annie.schreijer-pierik@europarl.europa.eu ; ashley.fox@europarl.europa.eu ,
Subject: Romania, NOT again, NO to the brutal butchering of defenseless, abandoned Dogs! Stop the planned killing of 300 dogs in Dogpound Breasta, Craiova, this weekend March 28 2015!
Mr. President Klaus Iohannis
Palatul Cotroceni
Bulevardul Geniului 1-3
Sector 6
Mayoress Carmen Johannis
Strada Balea 29
550246 SIBIU
Dear Mr President,
Mayoress Carmen Johannis:
I am contacting you to urge you to stop the brutal killings and butchering of dogs in Romania and to stop the planned killing of 300 dogs in public shelter at Breasta, Craiova, this weekend March 28 2015.
Your governments actions are a disgrace to the human race and does not show your country in a positive light to the rest of the world who are now watching the Romanian authorities destroy, butcher and brutalise these sentient beings. Is this something you want on your conscience? No!
These acts of violence and barbarism against defenceless creatures is deplorable.
Dogs feel like we do
They suffer like we do
They feel pain like we do
They have a heart that beats the same
The only difference between us is we have been given the ability to help the defenceless, to not destroy and murder those that can not defend themselves.
This is a time for Romania to step forward and show the world you are not barbarians, that you have compassion, that the human race deserves a place on this planet as a race we can work with all creatures that share this planet with us.
These actions Romania plans to take, are inhumane and medieval, NOT of this 21 century.
Mr President there is a better way, please stop these violent acts and brutality, it has to stop, it must stop, or humanity will die with it.
Please accept our friendship and stop creating all this hatred - so much hate as a result of all these killings!
Please Mister President Klaus Iohannis, make a change!
Let's do this together.
Yours faithfully,