Friday, February 20, 2015

Petitions and More, Febr. 20 Protest against an extermination camp for stray dogs in Turkey, Istanbul! Use translate please  new goal: 300.000. McDonald's, buy your palm oil exclusively from responsible suppliers  Maldives, The sound of gun-exploration ships are life-threatening to the marine animals, stop  the search for oil in the region, urgent! Oppose preference to hunters and fishers in federal land use, oppose Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015, nr. S 405! US-info  Don’t Allow Hunters to Import Banned Polar Bear Trophies from Canada, oppose  Polar Bear Conservation and Fairness Act of 2015, nr. HR 327. US-info
The AWARE Act Would Amend AWA to Include Farm Animals Used in Federal Research, please support the AWARE Act of 2015 nr. S 388 and HR 746 ! US-info   Amending the Definition of “Animal” in the Animal Welfare Act. US-info If not signed yet!;jsessionid=381927FAEAD1D6259A4E981870502804.app310a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=693 Protect Tigers, cosponsor H.R. 335, to reauthorize the Multinational Species Conservation Fund (MSCF) through 2020! US-info Protest the planned removal of wild horses from the South Steens Herd Management Area in Oregon, first 503 wild horses and burros, with follow up roundups to be held every 4-5 years! ZIP=5 digits. Next: take action for Colorado's Spring Creek Basin herd, please!  USFWS, Dan Ashe, don't give up on red wolf recovery! More attention please Needs 450000. Only 97 porpoises left; Pres. of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, use your power to protect the vaquita, prohibiting any type of fishing that may affect its habitat! Important actions, some for specified states only If not signed yet, No to Dog meat!  Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) to provide protections for wildlife and important habitat, Alaska,  Fortymile Wild and Scenic River Defend Our Land Against Big Coal's Profit Schemes
                     ==========   News and more  ========== Yellowstone Park Torments America's Iconic Buffalo Watts filed a federal complaint, claiming whistleblower protection, alleging that he was forced to violate laws that protect consumers against “adulterated or misbranded” food
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