Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Romania, Mayors of Bucharest and Galati, respect the decision of the Court of Appeal!

Letter from Nina:
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Subject: Court of Justice in Romania, Bucharest, Galati, June 2014
Mr. President,
Mr. Ministers,
Mrs. Livia Doina Stanciu, President of the Romanian Court of Cassation
Sir, Madam,
To whom it concerns:

We take the freedom to send you this message because the Court of Justice in Romania stopped the slaughter of dogs, but the Mayor of Bucharest, Mr Sorin Mircea OPRESCU, goes against your decision and decides to continue the massacres, as well as in the city of Galati.


Please, we ask that the mayor of Bucharest and Galati respect the decision of the Court of Appeal!

We think that the animals of Romania suffered enough from a dramatic situation which is known of all Europe and even beyond its borders.

We hope that you will quickly intervene to avoid other atrocious and useless deaths.


Respectful greetings.

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