Monday, June 16, 2014

Petitions and More, June 16   More signatures please!   Stop Animal Sacrifice in Sri Lanka!
The world says no to Glastonbury for supporting Metallica in hunting bears!
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe, keep wolf families protected under the Endangered Species Act! US ZIP only  Last year, in a highly politicized move, Michigan
enacted a wolf hunt after the legislature gave power to designate game species. Tell Your Legislators: Don't Silence Michigan Voters!    Belgian companies play a key role in the Sabetta project, a crucial project for Russia in its rush to exploit oil and gas under the polar ice! Send a message!  Do you sponsor bullfights? The Mahou San Miguel Group boasts  being the "Official Beer of the bullring of Las Ventas"  Stop Poisoning Paradise! Stand With Kaua'i in their Battle Against Excessive Pesticide Use   Rip down the Alaska Oil spills; the hardest bill pay the wildlife and animals
200 more signatures please!
                                                                 =============   News, video’s, polls   ===========  Update on: Stop Cruel Animal Traps in America by 2020!   Most Hilarious Videos Of Cats 2014

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