Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Vivisection Lab at the University of Washington! Send an email before May 14 please!

There is a comment period until May 14 and we are asking everyone to PLEASE write to these two people and tell them what you think of their proposal to build a new Vivisection Lab at the Univ. of Washington!
Subject:  New Vivisection Lab at the University of Washington
Richard K. Chapman, VP for Capital Projects 
Jan Arntz, Environmental Land Use Compliance Officer

Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98195-2205

I have read about the plans of the University of Washington in Seattle : the building of a new vivisection laboratory which will combine all the others, including the baby monkey lab, into one building, underground, where they can perform torture on twice as many animals in total secret. The construction is expected to start in 2015 and be finished in 2017.
Costs : $123.5 million

I'm so horrified at this prospect. Words fail me.
Nationwide, the number of animals used in research has decreased significantly, Olson pointed out. Earlier this year, Harvard Medical School announced plans to shut down its troubled primate-research center.
“Students believe the UW should not increase its animal census when the trend across the nation is to reduce lab-animal numbers,” Sarah Olson said, presenting the board with a petition signed by more than 4,500 people.
“UW has the chance to be a pioneer in the science of animal-research alternatives.”

We all know that
the U of W is notorious for having one of the top three worst primate labs in the country.
You  know that it is impossible to extrapolate experiments on animals to humans, that "cures" do not come from torture, and that vivisection is done because there are millions of dollars in grants at stake.
The Board of Regents chooses to turn a blind eye to the facts because of their greed.

Do you remember this ?
USDA Probe cites UW for multiple animal deaths & 10 month denial of pain relief to 30; SAEN Applauds USDA Follow-up on Complaint SEATTLE, WA – A USDA investigation of the University of Washington which resulted from an Official Complaint filed by Research Watchdog Group SAEN (Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!) has led to multiple citations against the UW for animal deaths and failure to provide pain relief to 30 animals for an extended period, as well as additional animal deaths and infractions discovered during the inspection.
The UW is the third lab cited by the USDA following SAEN complaints in the last several months. 'Is this the reason why you build the labs "UNDERGROUND" , so the public can not see how you perform gruesome, unnecessary experiments on animals!?

Animal testing is unethical, inhumane and completely unnecessary. With so many alternatives available to us, how can we justify the poisoning, burning, shocking and killing of more than 100 million animals each year causing them unimaginable pain, fear and loneliness?
Thousands of animals suffer and die every day in laboratories around the world, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If we truly want to improve our lives and the lives of others, we need to cut out the use of animals altogether.
Why Animal Testing Doesn’t Work
More and more scientists are taking a hard look at the relevance of animal experiments for human diseases and improving our lives. The evidence is showing that we can actually get much better answers about human health and develop much more effective therapies if we use human based tests instead. Some of the main reasons animal testing is ineffective are:
Cruelty Free Alternatives to Animal Testing
Nearly 100 alternatives to animal testing have been discovered, many of which have proven highly effective, highlighting the fact that there is absolutely no need to continue this barbaric and archaic practice. Here are just some of the viable alternatives :
  • In-Vitro – The National Academy of Sciences concluded in 2007 that scientific progress was such that they would “transform toxicity testing from a system based on whole-animal testing to one based primarily on in-vitro methods.”
  • Organs-on-a-Chip – Instead of conducting toxicity tests, drug tests and disease research on live animals, Harvard’s Wyass Institute has devised an effective organ-on-a-chip process in which human cells are used to create mini organ simulations.
  • Human Brain Imaging – Advances in brain scanning and imaging techniques mean that it’s now possible to conduct a wealth of usable data and statistics which is far more useful than the questionable data collected from cutting into the brains of monkeys, cats and rats.
  • Human Blood Testing – Instead of killing hundreds of thousands of rabbits each year in “pyrogen” tests, scientists can now test for fever-causing contaminants in medicines by using human blood samples.
  • Microdosing ­– When test patients are given a microdose of a drug which is well within safe limits, advanced imaging techniques can be used to detect the way the body breaks down the substances.
Many people believe that animals are here for humans to use, and even if we have to sacrifice 100,000 animals in the hope of benefiting one person, then it is worth it. But the truth is that ethical human-based tests will better help our loved ones and save millions of animals annually.
Vivisectors and pro animal testing advocates are running out of excuses. There is a better, more kind way. Show your support by choosing only to buy cruelty free products.

As a concerned citizen, I urge you to do all that you can within your current authority to replace animal tests with superior non-animal methods.
Source :
'The strong commitment of American scientists to alternative testing methods is illustrated by the National Academy of Sciences report, increased Environmental Protection Agency funding for non-animal methods, and other recent developments," says Erin Hill, Vice President of Program Development for IIVS. "With several similar societies in Europe, Asia and South America, it is time for North American scientists to meet on a regular basis to share developments in the field.'
