Subject: Fwd: HOW TO HELP THE ROMANIAN DOGS - Write to your
March 1, 2014
Occupy for Animals
a) please copy the letter and paste it into your mailing program
b) search for your MEP(s) email address on the following portal from the EU:;jsessi.node2
copy ALL your MEPs' email addresses and insert the entire bloc into your mailing program - you will find their email addresses on our website, at:
c) please add the email address of the European Communications Team as CC so that we will receive a copy of their response. Our email address is:
Thank you very much, in advance, for your precious support!
Dear member of the European Parliament,
I refer to the legal letter dated 23 January 2014 (which you can read and download at the following link: The letter proposes, from a legal perspective, a solution to the situation of Romanian homeless dogs. The letter clearly demonstrates that the Commission has the legal competence – and a legal duty - to intervene in the issue without any further delay.
By way of follow-up action, you are kindly requested to pose a set of written questions to the Commission as follows:
1. Does the Commission agree that it has legal competence to intervene in the issue of Romanian dogs based on EU legislation on Public Health? (If not, why not?)
2. Does Romania’s Rabies Eradication Program mention dog population control among the measures to be carried out?
3. Does the Commission agree that Romania’s Rabies Eradication Program should urgently be clarified by way of an explicit condition as follows: Romania must implement long-term measures at the national level for the management of the dog population in accordance with international best practice? In other words, the current “Catch & Kill” policy should be replaced by more efficient and humane measures. (If not, why not?)
4. Does the Commission continue to exclude the possibility that EU funds are, directly or indirectly, being used to finance the multi-million euro “Catch & Kill” dog management business in Romania via local administration budgets? (If so, on what grounds?)
A short summary of the issue can be found here:
Further information will be available by following this link:
I wish to cordially thank you, in advance, for all your efforts in finding a legal solution to the cruelties ongoing in Romania.
Yours sincerely,
[your name]
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