Monday, March 31, 2014

Chile, no hunting, slaughtering of abandoned Dogs!

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Subject: Stop slaughter of stray dogs in Chile and introduce neutering programs

Dear President Michelle Bachelet,

it has come to my knowledge that Chile introduced new rules within the named “Lay De Caza”, permitting to kill innocent animals considered “damaging”, including stray dogs and, even worse, with any device!

I am horrified of this terrible decision, and I ask you to introduce civil and humane methods to control the stray dogs population in your country!

Please change this archaic and cruel practice towards sentient beings, abandoned dogs!

This would obviously end in a horrible sadistic, cruel slaughter of innocent animals!

Please, stop immediately the killings of strays and introduce a catch-neuter-release program as many other countries are doing to solve this matter in an accepted, civilized, ethical and non-cruel manner!

Please show that Chile respects animals!

We count on you.

1 comment:

  1. We domesticate and proliferate these beings as slaves and toys. We owe them life and Love.
