Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Petitions and More, March 4

 https://koreandogs.org/stop-vietnams-dog-meat-trade/ STOP Vietnam’s Dog & Cat Meat Trade: LA Sister City Project Needs Your Voice NOW!

https://igualdadanimal.org/actua/contra-matanza-para-carne-de-caballo/  More than 30,000 horses are killed for their meat every year in Spain! End this suffering!
https://igualdadanimal.org/centro-de-accion/ Spain, petitions, if not signed yet
https://wildhorseeducation.org/2025/02/21/onward-make-one-call/  US. Public lands must be left in the public domain and not given away or sold. Wild horses and burros on the range and in holding must not be killed or sold to slaughter!
https://wildernesswatch.salsalabs.org/usfws-proposed-grizzly-rule/index.html  Help keep grizzlies protected under the Endangered Species Act
https://act.animalwellnessaction.org/a/awa-saw-fed-2025  Reminder. Make it a felony on federal lands to use any kind of motorized vehicle to torment, injure or kill an animal
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/167133/petition/1  Help Stop Lincolnshire Chicken Farm Plans to Kill 500,000 Birds Per Year
https://support.peta.org/page/45584/action/1 Urge Lagoon Amusement Park to end its Wild Kingdom train ride and transfer the remaining animals to reputable facilities
https://action.wildearthguardians.org/page/80041/petition/1  Protect Mature and Old-Growth Forests in the Pacific Northwest
https://give.lcv.org/a/2025marmemactmusk-2?ms=12203681& Tell Congress: Stop the Musk Takeover

https://tinyurl.com/4dn6s63n  Russia. Requesting to cancel initiative 37F117415 on "recognizing stray animals as socially dangerous objects" and their subsequent "humane" killing (which is without any control)
https://tinyurl.com/29txr5sc  An employee of the Alrosa Nakyn site of the CSO workshop, Kolesnichenko A.S., lured dogs that had lived in the garage for many years, into a cage and left them somewhere unknown at 40-degree frost !
https://tinyurl.com/25sjs6fz  Prevent the demolition of the dovecote on Bestuzhevykh St. 13Gs1
https://www.change.org/p/save-wally-the-soul-of-kingstowne-lake  Wally the young beaver is not a nuisance but they intend to trap and kill Wally, a trapper has been hired to set a trap in the coming days!
https://www.change.org/p/impulsar-el-proyecto-esc%C3%A1rcega-ciudad-con-tenencia-responsable  Mexico. Promote the "Escárcega, City with Responsible Ownership" Project
https://www.change.org/p/gegen-die-ungerechte-hundesteuererh%C3%B6hung-von-620-in-g%C3%B6ttingen  Against the unfair dog tax increase of 620% in Göttingen, Germany
https://www.change.org/p/cria%C3%A7%C3%A3o-urgente-de-um-abrigo-municipal-para-animais-errantes-em-pinhalzinho-sp  For the urgent Creation of a Municipal Shelter for Stray Animals in Pinhalzinho-SP
https://www.change.org/p/k%C3%B6pek-park%C4%B1-yap%C4%B1lmas%C4%B1n%C4%B1-talep-ediyoruz  Demanding the Construction of a Dog Park in the Ümraniye Municipality, Turkey
https://www.change.org/p/justiciaporbruno-y-perritos-muertos-por-negligencia  Chile, veterinarian negligence, justice for Bruno
https://www.change.org/p/limitemos-y-reduzcamos-el-uso-de-pirotecnia-y-petardos-en-sallent-barcelona Let's Limit and Reduce the Use of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Sallent (Barcelona)
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/743/204/285/  Animals Displaced by Natural Disasters Need You Now
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/987/319/178/  Join the Movement to Make 25% of Domestic Violence Shelters Pet Friendly by the End of 2025
Free clicks: 
https://storytelling-for-a-better-world-story.hub.arcgis.com/pages/vote-for-your-favorite For example: Connecting Orangutan Landscapes, or Charting a Path to Human-Elephant Coexistence in Tanzania
https://movementforgood.com/ The Movement for Good Awards 
https://www.clickandfeed.cz/en/?fbclid=IwAR1AJOlTNQD_J93UcR_uqfaYdiGRuJ8mljqxqLx7Lm6J7cwFG62pEqOg4Bs   Click and Feed, it's free (green button) Every day
https://www.yummypets.com/voice  Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 
https://animalheroes.eu/  Choose a project and support your Animal Hero 
https://pacificwild.org/retired-spca-constable-assesses-the-b-c-wolf-cull/ Since 2015 the government of British Columbia (B.C.) has killed over 2,000 wolves at a cost of more than $11 million to taxpayers

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