Monday, December 23, 2024

Petitions and More, Dec. 23  Demanding the feds retire and release animal testing survivors from government labs  Help Stop Nepal’s Cruel Elephant Festival  URGENT: Ask Congress to Save Animals, Pass the FDA Modernization Act 3.0! US- info  Urging Democratic leaders to do everything in their power to OPPOSE bills that would let Donald Trump shut down nonprofits like Friends of the Earth!  Congress is negotiating a critical spending package, and factory farming lobbyists are trying to use this opportunity to destroy state animal welfare laws. Stop the EATS Act!  Tell Chris Quin (CEO of Foodstuffs North) and Sandy Botterill - (Head of Environmental and Social Governance) that the people of Aotearoa want our high-protection marine areas to be exactly that - protected from fishing Tweets, Ban the Seal Clubbing and Killing!  Shaggy Soul Foundation, Bulychevo Chekhovsky district, Moscow region. 3000 animals are waiting for help from the municipality and sponsors, to no avail! The shelter constantly needs funds for food, repair of enclosures and is in dire need of volunteers!  Argentina. For the urgent approval of the Conan Law for animal protection, perpetrators of horrendous acts receive nothing more than a mild reprimand from the courts and are free to continue their unscrupulous acts!  Spain. For a free veterinary hospital  Brazil. The animals of Araxá-MG are asking for help! Free sterilization of street dogs and cats of the low-income population. Restructuring the Municipal Kennel. Construction of a cattery Ibex, unique species of wild goat found in Pakistan  Allow elderly Silas and Sibylle to travel to sanctuary in Germany from the cold in Romania  Russia. Krasnodar Territory, Governor Kondratiev, go away! Demanding an investigation and prosecution of all those involved in this oil tragedy   Russia, Moscow. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education DTDM is making another attempt to destroy the living corner of the young ecologists' club "YunEk", they locked the doors to the storage room, removed the food and the video surveillance camera without permission and approval  Ban the sale, distribution and use of fireworks within the CABA area with high fines  Plastic Is Forever. Nations Must Finalize the Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution Now
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