Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Petitions and More, Oct. 1


https://secure.everyaction.com/4dmUjJg8pk2-feWZLe8-pg2  Stop the Round up of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Wild Horses for GonaCon treatment, permanently removing up to 15 mares with their offspring. In language added to the Appropriations Bill, Senator Hoeven stated that federal money could not be used to round up or remove horses from this park!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/recuperer-gaulois/234327  Recover our Gallic rooster. After a while we had only 10 chickens and a rooster left. She kept complaining, now there are only 4 sick chickens left
https://dogwoodalliance.org/actions/cut-pollution-not-forests/  Biomass emits more carbon than coal. This industry destroys millions of forest acres in the US South
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/videos/837855678414196 Tweets for the SAFE Act, HR3475, for the Equines! 
https://www.change.org/p/proh%C3%ADban-la-caza-deportiva-de-pumas-zorros-y-guanacos-en-santa-cruz-argentina-a179e92b-b8d1-4607-94af-0017a21a7081 Ban "Sport" Hunting of Pumas, Foxes and Guanacos in Santa Cruz, Argentina! Protective laws are being ignored in favor of commercial interest!
https://www.change.org/p/exija-a%C3%A7%C3%B5es-imediatas-das-autoridades-para-combater-as-queimadas-em-s%C3%A3o-roque  São Paulo, Brazil. Demand immediate action from the authorities to combat the (arson) fires in São Roque!
https://tinyurl.com/5ezsxezc  Russia. Bryansk Oblast. Justice for animals subjected to cruelty at the hands of Nadezhda Chechik, dogs abandoned, without food or water, cats thrown out from the balcony
https://www.change.org/p/strengthen-the-enforcement-of-animal-rights-in-iloilo-city-58172ae9-d1d5-4af8-9f5c-703f233ec1db  Iloilo City, Philippines. Strengthen the Enforcement of Animal Rights in Iloilo City!
https://www.change.org/p/por-unos-pueblos-libres-de-granjas-intensivas Spain. Close the intensive pig farm in the Vega de Campillo del Río, and create an ordinance prohibiting the construction of all types of intensive farms
https://www.change.org/p/exigir-la-venta-de-billetes-de-pasajeros-para-mascotas-en-aviones  Require the Sale of Passenger Tickets for Pets on Airplanes regardless of their weight, allowing them to travel in the cabin with us
https://www.change.org/p/por-un-espacio-donde-nuestros-peludos-puedan-sentirse-libres  Spain. Las Rozas City Hall, Madrid. For a space where our furry friends can feel free
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/640/166/151/ This Fluffy Hen Was Helping Raise Endangered Birds. Then Someone Fed Her to an Alligator
Free clicks: https://www.animalwebaction.com/en/collectes/18291/croquettes-sos-65-chiens-bosnie-hope-vms/ Please click a few times a day and/or donate if possible
https://wildbeimwild.com/hobby-jaeger-jagen-jetzt-auch-woelfe-vom-nationalpark/  Switzerland. The canton of Graubünden will completely kill the wolf pack that has its territory in the national park!
https://blm16.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/mr/sh/1t6AVsd2XFnIGAAmlGTuiMYBkdIM8E/_--9ftyktFaU  Newsletter

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