Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Petitions and More, August 7  US-info. Animal fighting is a barbaric and desensitizing form of entertainment, with dogs and roosters placed in a pit and forced to fight to the death as spectators gamble on the bloodletting. To cosponsor the Fighting Inhumane Gambling and High-Risk Trafficking (FIGHT) Act! US-info. Protect dogs from cruel puppy mills! Hundreds of thousands of puppies and breeding dogs are suffering needlessly in United States Department of Agriculture regulated puppy mills!  Urge Iceland to end this barbaric whale hunting! Just recently, Iceland's fisheries minister reluctantly issued whale hunter Kristjan Loftsson a license to kill 128 imperiled fin whales! Lack of protection allows dingoes to be poisoned, trapped and shot across the state of New South Wales, even in conservation areas like National Parks!  US-info. Take Action to Protect Children and Animals from Abuse!  Dogs were being electrocuted after fights  US-info. Urge Your Representative to Co-sponsor the Mink VIRUS Act for the sake of animal welfare and public safety!  Urge the New UK Government to Take Action for Animals! Mature and old-growth trees and forests on federal lands mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity, and in the Tongass National Forest, safeguard all five species of salmon, end commercial clearcutting! Tweets for the SAFE Act, HR3475, for the Equines!  Against the Use of Pigs in Cosmetic Surgery Courses, No to the use of 25 live pigs as guinea pigs in Rio de Janeiro to undergo invasive and painful procedures in a LAD lipo course! Use alternatives!  Justice for Apollo and Artemis! Kittens that were poisoned  Puerto Rico, Arecibo. Allocate the Arecibo shelter to the Rabitos Kontentos organization which has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to animal welfare, providing care and shelter to abandoned dogs  Italy. For privacy reasons, the website of the Ministry of Health does not give the possibility of tracing the contact details of the chip holder and furthermore the database is regional so the ASP (or ASL) if the chip was placed outside the region does not have the possibility of reaching the animal owner's data! This has to change!  Demand an End to the Ineffective, Cruel Mass Slaughter of Badgers in the UK! Stop Corporate Pollution: Sign the Petition Against the Supreme Court's Decision
Please click several times a day and donate if possible 

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