Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Petitions and More, June 18


https://www.animalleague.org/yulin-pledge-2024/  End the Dog Meat Trade For Good!
https://stopthesacrifice.com/  A Plea for a Compassionate Eid. We urge Muslims to explore alternative ways to participate in Eid that are more compassionate and arguably sacrificially superior to conventional practices
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/contre-abattage-rituel-domicile-liege-contradiction/231342 Belgium. Against ritual slaughter at home in Liège in contradiction with the Walloon Animal Welfare
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/interdiction-abattage-rituel-etourdissement/231325 France.  For the prohibition of ritual slaughter without stunning 
https://www.l214.com/enquetes/2021/abattoir-bigard-charal-socopa-cuiseaux/  France. Let's ban the slaughter of pregnant cows and unstunned slaughter!
https://www.l214.com/enquetes/2024/vaches-de-meillac/  France. Let's save the cows of Meillac, who lived in a pond of slurry, now placed in quarantine to be treated, fed and watered within the OABA foundation, until a decision on their future is made by the Saint-Malo prosecutor
https://www.l214.com/stop-cruaute/cofigeo/ In intensive farms like those from which William Saurin and the Cofigeo group supply, the living conditions of chickens are extremely difficult, stop this cruelty
https://www.greenpeace.org/brasil/apoie/relatorio-bancando-a-extincao/  Brazilian-info. Demanding banks and financial institutions operating in Brazil to comply with current rules and implement more stringent measures to immediately stop directing resources to those who deforest and cause damage to biodiversity, the climate and our future!
https://pasa.org/fight-the-trade-of-primates/ Not For Sale – End the Trade in African Primates
https://action.nrdc.org/letter/3235-special-areas-061624  Urge the Biden administration to protect the Western Arctic from fossil fuel companies
https://tinyurl.com/4dkabx92  Russia. Erzovka, Volgograd region, the house for hundreds of cats and dogs,  shelter Murts. The owner of the land is trying to terminate the contract, selling the land for 8 Million, the animals facing eviction within 1 month. Unaffordable finances, no support from the local authorities. They need financial help and publicity!
https://www.change.org/p/fermons-l-escouade-canine-mrc-beauceville  France. Close the MRC Beauceville dog squad for letting dogs and cats die, transfer it to the SPCA
https://www.change.org/p/fordern-sie-strengere-strafen-f%C3%BCr-tierqu%C3%A4lerei  Germany. Demand stricter penalties for animal cruelty
https://www.change.org/p/stoppt-die-andauernde-qu%C3%A4lerei-der-aus-griechenland-geretteten-12-j%C3%A4hrigen-h%C3%BCndin-sissi  Germany. Stop the ongoing severe abuse of the 12-year-old dog Sissi, rescued from Greece
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

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