Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Petitions and More, April 11


https://koreandogs.org/sister-city-anseong-brea/ Updated. Brea, California Mayor Marty Simonoff: Tell Sister City Anseong, South Korea, you oppose the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!
https://act.greenpeace.ru/forest-regionaruns Reminder. Russia. Against this draft bill allowing to abolish regional protected areas or cut out areas from them without proper justification threatening protected /red book wildlife!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/125727/action/1 Pata Zoo, located at the top of the Pata Pinklao Department Store in Bangkok, keeps animals imprisoned, locked up in dark, barren cages, only rubbish to play with
https://jedertag.lpages.co/streunergiftsez/ Stop the brutal poisoning and killing of dogs on the Seychelles "so that tourism is not disturbed"
https://tinyurl.com/muwmxatx  Russia. Vladimir region. We are ordered to stop the operation of the shelter and take all the 240 dogs out of the site, we own the land, and are two kilometers from the population! There are no shelters in the city left where such a number of animals could be relocated to, we demand that the administration of the city of Vladimir take control of the situation and leave the dogs to live with us in their original place!
https://www.change.org/p/pol%C3%ADticas-p%C3%BAblicas-urgentes-que-aborden-la-sobrepoblaci%C3%B3n-canina-y-felina-en-santa-rosa-lp/  For joint actions, abuse and abandonment of animals increases, start an intensive program of free, massive and systematic spay and neuter in all the neighborhoods of our city, guaranteeing accessibility for all residents of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
https://www.change.org/p/stoppt-die-tierqu%C3%A4lerei-in-prebberede-f%C3%BCr-den-schutz-unserer-mitgesch%C3%B6pfe  Stop the cruelty to animals in Prebberede - for the protection of our fellow creatures
https://www.change.org/p/reconocimiento-a-operador-camara-ag53-por-salvar-a-perro-arrojado-por-puente  Asking for the camera images which identifies the person throwing his dog 100 meters from a bridge (later recovered injured by the civil guard). Region Ourense, Spainhttps://www.change.org/p/exigimos-que-el-centro-de-bienestar-animal-de-soacha-sea-un-hecho  We demand that the Soacha animal welfare center be a fact
https://www.change.org/p/io-sto-con-l-orso  Italy. Don't kill the bear
https://www.change.org/p/dean-and-dennys-fren%C3%A1-con-el-horror-de-las-jaulas  Dean and Dennys: Brake with the horror of the chicken cages
https://www.change.org/p/solicitamos-gobernador-en-n-l-samuel-garc%C3%ADa-y-alcaldes-del-%C3%A1rea-metropolitana-en-mty  Governor in N​.​ L. Samuel García and Mayors of the metropolitan area in Mty: protect these horses, add them under the New Constitution of the state of NL as sentient beings
https://tinyurl.com/f4ypxkvw Russia. Help find these dogs, Archie and Mickey, Moscow Region
https://www.change.org/p/leyajolote-estado-de-m%C3%A9xico Mexico. Protect the axolotls, their habitat and their endemic relationships
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/357/327/135/ Send these animals to a sanctuary now, and force Trip Adviser to report people who profit from the suffering of animals

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