Thursday, April 15, 2021

Petitions and More, April 15 File an e-petition, send emails, tweet
Please sign. Tell Amazon to stop selling cruel traps  Combat the climate crisis with a shift to a plant-centered food system!  The U.S. Forest Service (FS) is considering a proposal by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks (FWP) to poison 43 miles of Buffalo Creek plus two lakes in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, part of the famed Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, to kill the rainbow trout! Protest!   Click on: 'Schreiben Sie den Europaabgeordneten' for a ready to send  email  France.  Support for Brigitte Bardot's anti-hunting campaign. To confirm  "Toplan Animal Center" is now "Toplan Death Camp", Azerbaijan.   France,  Demanding sterilization of street cats in Gannat 03 Australians are defending the Unburnt Six. Join us in activating laws to protect our forests.  Email these Chinese Embassies , ask them to help ban horrific Yulin dog and cat torture , China Mass culling of dogs in Pakistan, send a letter please!  More email addresses  Mexico. Jalisco. Create a law that prohibits real estate development for 30 years on burned land We oppose this project for ethical (animal suffering), health and environmental reasons. Thise farm at  Tercillat in Creuse has 504 places for post-weaning piglets on slatted floors and 1008 places for "fattening pigs".
Let's prevent fires in the Forest of Spring the right way, only small, controlled fires with the presence of the fire authorities, and experts in the fauna and flora of the forest   No to a Fisheries Hub project in French Polynesia which will promote the overfishing of tuna ; knowing that 80% of all varieties of tuna are extinct  Pesticides are meant to help us grow food, but instead they are polluting our farmland and water sources beyond repair A letter has been sent to President Edouard Fritch to convey our total opposition to this project and ask him to give up making Polynesia an actor in the plundering of the Pacific Ocean .

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