Saturday, February 20, 2021

Petitions and More, Febr. 20

 After each action taken, click on the upper arrow to the left to choose the list again Please submit your e-People petitions today! Reminder. End Wildlife Killing Contests on Federal Public Lands!  We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to introduce a nationwide ban on fur farming for all species of animals   Demand that the government Nepal properly enforce animal welfare laws to ensure that no one who is found guilty of this terrible crime is able to walk away unpunished ask your reps to cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act Against the use of animal gelatine. Haribo still uses animal gelatin in many products, which is made from the bones and cartilage of animals  Another Tibetan Dies of Prison Injuries, the cruel, inhumane treatment of Tibetans by the Chinese government must end, and our governments must not allow China to get away with it!  If not sent yet, please do. Call to action: Urge members of the South Korean National Assembly to pass a law banning dog meat trade!  Tweets, prohibit the sadistic practice of hunting underground  The infamous "your content does go against our community standards" seems to apply only to people investing in animal welfare! Stop silencing us!  No to Land Use Change of the Faculty of Agronomy and Animal Husbandry of the UNT . No  installation of a transformer station   Some humans tricked this fox into feeling comfortable around people. Then authorities killed him.   Save UK dolphins, porpoises and whales

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