Saturday, November 21, 2020

Petitions and More, Nov. 21 Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71-Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, stop the barbaric global dog and cat meat trade! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 237 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter!
--------------------------- Call for Action: messages to Incheon’s sister /friendship Cities requesting their help in saving the 191 Lotte Dog Farm dogs who were saved from being slaughtered for meat, see email addresses Tell the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Stop killing Gray Wolves! Mr. Bernard Arnault , CEO of LVMH, the suffering and pain of animals impaled, trampled, skinned and tortured in dying places around the world, your fur, leather and skin business for the wealthy, is appalling! Respect animals! To confirm State Bank of India: don't fund Adani's reef-wrecking coal mine After abusing Drax for months, in Nov. 2020 Yianis Skopellos brutally beat his dog Drax to death. We want justice for Drax! Please email Minister Nicole Manison to share your view on this and your local member The Sorocaba / SP Zoo must be urgently closed, Haisa the elephant has died too, save the other animals that are trapped in this totally inappropriate place! Change the Complementary Law No. 217/2019 of the Municipality of Curitibanos; the Animal Protection and Welfare Code must truly protect animals that live on the streets or in a precarious situation. We also need a public veterinary clinic, for low income animal owners Spain. Castilla-La Mancha. Close puppy shop Illescas, selling sick dogs from abroad Against changing the Gramado Master Plan that will end Mata Nativa and Animais Silvestres Gramado, no to the destruction of the native green area with a lot of wildlife Stop burning, logging and restricting access to the river now, save the little hill of Villa Cabell Abolish horse/donkey drawn carts and uphold the animal welfare law in Machado Russia. We demand a full investigation into the death of Fili the lion, in the Taigan Lions Park on 6.11.2020, killed by other lions

=========================  Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner at your right to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872485 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours   Free clicks for animals

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