Friday, July 17, 2020

Petitions and More, July 17 Ask them to report on S. Korea’s barbaric Boknal, the atrocious treatment of dogs on 7/16, 26 & 8/15; there is an estimated 1700 Dog Farms in S. Korea, dogs are hung, beaten, stabbed in the throat and bled out! Distressing! Tweets on barbaric Boknal in S. Korea, and ban the DCMT! Tweets. Cosponsor HR961 for the Horses,  the SAFE Act, and bring it to a vote! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets, no to animal testing for cosmetics or dogfood
--------------------------------------- Quit animal testing now, change the from cruel and outdated animal experiments to a science of the 21st century; politicians, develop an exit plan for Germany! First, last name, zip, town, location, email, I agree, send. To confirm Augsburg must remain free from animal testing, we demand: 35 million euros for animal-free research! Belgium. Close the Slaughterhouses. First, last name, email, town, country Demand Protection for Millions of Migratory Birds and Replace Current Policy! US-info. Tell Your Representative: Don't Bomb Desert Bighorn, Oppose Nevada Test and Training Range Expansion in NDAA FY21 US-info. Don't Let Congress Hand Over Protected Land to the Air Force! France. PACA region, denounce the unacceptable practices of the CDA-Cabriès refuge in the Bouches du Rhône (13). Ensure that this horror shelter finds new responsible officials who are respectful of animal welfare! Alameda County. Let’s save the Oakland Sanctuary Zoo, reopen it now! Russia. The Good House needs free land near a busstop, it will be evicted (150 dogs and 100 cats) Chile. No more death and mistreatment of pets in Canil Municipal de Curicó (dog pound), relocate them to the San Francisco de Asís shelter to prevent them from continuing to die in horrible conditions! Brazil. Requesting that animal aggressors be properly punished with a 5-year sentence, up to 10 years, without bail! Brazil. Lucanet. We need speed bumps in both directions of the Estrada Benvindo de Novaes in favor of capibaries who live in the Parque Chico Mendes! Italy.  Mayor Biancheri and the municipal administration of Sanremo, review the proposal for the new Annonario Market regulation, in order to safeguard the pet food store  Ronnie's Il Mondo Mayor of Gómez Palacio, Gov. of the State of Durando, reconsider the project, yes to carrying out cleaning and maintenance tasks preserving the diversity of flora and fauna , but without felling any trees in the Morelos de Gómez Palacio Dgo park! The Man Who Murdered Cecil the Lion Has Just Slaughtered Another Irreplaceable Animal!

=========================== Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872292 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours Free clicks for animals

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