Saturday, March 28, 2020

Petitions and More, March 28 Please urge the below Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, please cosponsor HConRes71 ! Please ask these Reps to cosponsor HR961, the SAFE Act, which Bans Horse slaughter in the US and the exportation of Horses abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Join the 228 Cosponsors and Urge the House of Commerce to Markup and Review HR961!
-------------------------------;jsessionid=00000000.app20111b?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=3455 Stop Pandemics: Ban the Dog Meat Trade and Live Animal Markets in South Korea! US-info. Prevent the Next COVID-19 — Shut Down U.S. Wet Meat Markets, support the Farm System Reform Act, S. 3221, which is currently in the Senate  Send a message to Peter Munya, the Kenyan Trade Minister using Facebook, to convince him to uphold the ban on the donkey skin trade - and to enforce it now! Idaho lawmakers want to make parts of the state into permanent "wolf-free zones" where an unlimited number of wolves can be killed -- even when mothers are in dens with their pups! Send a message to Idaho's governor and urge him to say "No" to wolf-free zones in his state, No to SB 1247 !;jsessionid=00000000.app20102b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3619  USFS: protect Mexican gray wolves and other vulnerable wildlife in the Gila National Forest! Protect the population against pandemics; educate on virus mutations in the animal industry, the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria; close the slaughterhouses / butchers, stop animal breeding, and ban the import ban of animal products. First, last name, email, ZIP US-info. We need our government to be fully transparent in its decision-making. Animals are continually used in NIH-funded laboratories for painful and deadly experiments that lead to unsafe and ineffective treatments for humans Reminder. Local governor of Wakayama, Mr Yoshinobu Nisaka, stop the Taiji blood bath! US-info. Cosponsor the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 1380/S.2561), a bill to prohibit private ownership of big cats U.S. Bureau of Land Management Stop Fracking New Mexico Stop the EPA from giving a free pass to polluters during the pandemic Covid crisis:  Iran must also release prisoners of conscienceas well! Tell EPA: Don't Use COVID-19 as an Excuse to Stop Protecting Air and Water Spain, Madrid.  Secretariat Public Company Ciemat, allow access to personnel working in this place, to feed a colony of cats duly controlled and registered with the Madrid city council, located on your premises, they will die of starvation! Spain. Getxo.  Issue feeder-licences for the cat-colonies! No more threats! Spain. Let's save calf Pepe and other animals who are starving at a school farm, closed by the State of Health Alarm due to the Coronavirus!

-  Please vote, scroll down and click the orange button to agree to the proposal from Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Policy Consultative conference and executive director of the Institute of Global Studies at the University of Shanghai, calling for legislation to protect pet animals! Every 24 hours. Now more than 2752691 supporters
-  Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872094 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours ------  Free clicks for animals  Dedicated to the sterilization of stray cats Eglet Adams Files Class Action Complaint Against The People’s Republic of China

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