Tweets, 5 +2, Vietnam. Please speak out for the dogs and cats tortured for their
meat in Vietnam, a country without Animal Cruelty Laws! Development must start
Call for action on S. Korea, sending our letters as season's greeting cards to
the President 5
Tweets. Cosponsor HConRes71, urging all Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat
trade and to Enforce Laws against the trade!
Please urge these Reps to Cosponsor HConRes71, urging all Nations to Outlaw the
Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Laws against the trade!
Tweets, Cosponsor HR961, the SAFE Act, Horses are not food, against Horse
Please ask these Reps to Cosponsor HR961 , the SAFE ACT, which Bans Horse
Slaughter in the USA & the Exportation of Horses Abroad for Slaughter!
Anti Michael Vick/media tweets
Call for action, send an email, post comments on their Facebook pages, or tweet
(scroll down please)
Call for action
Call for action Call
for action
Call for action ------ Urgent
reminder: Please stop requiring 9-month animal toxicity tests!
Oppose BLM’s Plan for Yet Another Rancher-Backed Mass Removal in the
Checkerboard! Deadlin Dec. 20
Please send a letter, or email!
Very short letter...)
Thousands of healthy cats and dogs are euthanized after being tested on. It
doesn’t have to be this way. Take a minute to tell your member of Congress to
co-sponsor the Humane Retirement Act, HR 2850
End dog racing in Ireland (Address: fill in f.e. Mainstreet 6, or Millstreet
89, etc., you will get to choose a true address...)
Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, we can't let wild Red Wolves vanish, only 14
are left! Stop
the Illegal Use of Spiked Bits on Horses
Support NOAA's proposal to expand protected habitat for Southern Resident orcas,
just 73 Southern Resident orcas remain, the lowest number in more than three
No to a four-lane highway through the heart of the Red Cliffs National
Conservation Area (NCA) in southwest Utah
Canada. Release an updated estimate of the costs of construction for the Trans
Mountain pipeline and tanker project so Canadians can judge for themselves the
value of TMX Opposing
any attempts to remove protections for critical Special Areas in the National
Petroleum Reserve – Alaska. Instead, strengthen protections for these Special
Call for action --- Mexico.
To End the Clandestine Slaughter in CDMX! On Nov. 28, an initiative was
presented to include the illegal slaughter of animals within committed crimes
under the Criminal Code! Sign please In
defense of the Amazon: VETO the trade agreement between the EU and Merco Sul
! Spain.
Help us save the Alimoche in Aragon, prevent the construction and imminent
operation of a wind farm in the Zaragoza region of Cinco Villas, as it poses a
serious threat to the population of Alimoche common and other raptors in this
area No
to the destruction of 12 hectares of forest adjacent to the Metropolitan Natural
Park, there are many alternatives elsewhere! Spain.
Murcia. Save the Mar Menor, the saltwater lagoon separated from the
Mediterranean Sea by a coastline called La Manga del Mar Menor Governor of the
Altai Territory. Stop building, stop cutting down the trees in the parks of
Barnaul! Peru.
The Ariana mining project threatens Lima's main source of water, protest Slaughterhouse
BELL ridicules killed animals: stop slaughterhouse advertising! It's
inappropriate, irritating, disturbing These
Cattle Can Feel Everything As Their Horns Are Cut, Burned, or Ripped Off Demand
clean up on the plastic infested islands of Cocos and Henderson Our
goal is to reach the authorities in this way. Better to clarify the current
situation and the terror of one person against this wildlife aid
China. Please vote, select the blue button to agree: cats and dogs are our
friends, not food! (Next: share with your friends) Every 24 hours. Now more than
1471400 supporters, true number is not visible anymore.
Please vote, scroll down and click the orange button to agree to the proposal
from Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's
Policy Consultative conference and executive director of the Institute of Global
Studies at the University of Shanghai, calling for legislation to protect pet
animals! Every 24 hours. Now more than 2275749 supporters
China. First click on the (second) top box on the right. Vote for no. 1 and now
for no. 2! Nr. 1: NPC delegates suggested that legally strictly defines and
punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 4473335 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC delegate Zhu Lieyu: the abuse of animals is getting worse.
Suggested punishment. More than 4463779 votes now. Every 24 hours
Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the
red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than
5651505 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public
safety administration. Every 24 hours ------
Every 1 hour 20 min.? 4 hours? To click for food (and 1 extra click, answer
the question after 4)
The Yummypets community is committed to the sterilization of stray cats; click
every day, 1000 clicks amount to 1 sterilization
Please help rent another location for the hundreds of dogs left after the forced
Romania, Cluj-Napoca, scroll down for the latest updates. Please help out as
much as possible, transport costs, lawyer costs to delay the eviction, food, vet
bills, it never stops, hundreds of dogs still have to be saved! Paypal (someone you trust)
Latest updates, Cluj City Hall has a moral obligation to offer space / land for
an open shelter for the dogs left in the refuge at the end of the evacuation
deadline ! -------
Azerbaijan, Baku. To purchase a new and safe (from being poisoned or shot) land
allotment; better equipped shelter; vaccines and medicines; desexing dogs;
emergency visits for vet hospital (shot, wounded dogs everywhere) ----
To inform. The Center for Biological Diversity and the Mountain Lion Foundation
submit this petition to list mountain lions (Puma concolor) in Southern and
Central California as Threatened or Endangered pursuant to the California
Endangered Species Act (California Fish and Game Code §§ 2050 et seq.,
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