Friday, October 18, 2019

Petitions and More, Oct. 18 Take action please. China,  city of Yancheng, the barbaric dog catching team; send an email to Yangcheng newspapers on this! This is said to be a “Dog Meat Festival” in Jinhua, Zhejiang province, China. Local activists are calling in to report health violations. Back up the activists and send protest emails, see example! Tweets, S. Korea, for the ban of using food wastes as feed to dog meat farms. If the proposed food waste management law proposed by Congresswoman Jeoung-Ae Han were to pass, the dog meat industry would be greatly affected 5 Tweets. Cosponsor HR961, the SAFE Act, horses are not food, against Horse slaughter!   Please ask these Reps to Cosponsor HR961 , the SAFE ACT, which Bans Horse Slaughter in the USA & the Exportation of Horses Abroad for Slaughter! This is the woman tracked down in Vietnam who has her own “pet dogs” but eats dogs. She proudly took a selfie. Send her a pm
----------------------------------  Stop destabilization of the Middle East by Turkey - sanctions against Erdogan now! Save Syrian lives -- suspend all arms exports to Turkey!  Wild Horses and Burros are NOT an "Existential Threat" to Public Lands! Pendley, BLM, we reject these untrue, dangerous and absurd  comments, there are NO wild horses on 88% of BLM lands, look at the much larger numbers of livestock!  Racing Australia and Harness Racing Australia, urgently address the serious issue of what happens to horses bred by the industry, who are no longer wanted!   Needs much more attention! Prohibit the use of poisons and traps, like steel-jaw, leg-hold traps, wire snares, and other body-gripping devices, on New Mexico’s public lands! New Mexico Department of Game & Fish has already been working on changes to current trapping regulations, but they are devastatingly weak and fall far short of a ban on public lands. Send your comment please "The suffering is real": these experiments on dogs are financed by Telethon Speak Out Against Chicken Abattoir Plans at Goulburn Calling on the government not only to retain a UK import ban on cat, dog and seal, but also establish a sales ban to cover the pelts of all animals killed for their fur  Congress: Keep Extractive Development OUT of the Grand Canyon, Chaco Canyon, and Colorado’s Wild Places Russia. Save these confiscated horses from death! Protect the animals in Russia by law! Amend article 245 of the Criminal Code to make the article work. An article of the Criminal Code should also provide for liability for sexual violence against animals!  Russia, Moscow region, Podolsk District. Punish the torturer who hanged the dog on the tree and stuck a pitchfork in it's belly! Multiple wounds on the head and body, stop impunity! Apranga Group, a leader in the Baltic States, why do you support the inhumane treatment of animals on fur farms that do not meet their needs? Russia, Ramonsky district of Voronezh Region. Please take these neglected goats away from this sadist, Tolik,  Sennoy village, while some of them are still alive Italy. Introduce a real health insurance for domestic animals, according to income, to prevent these high costs of veterinarians
(Vanesa Gowdekar, Hydrabad, India )
- China, please vote, select the blue button to agree: cats and dogs are our friends, not food! (Next: share with your friends) Every 24 hours. Now more than 1244484 supporters
- Please vote, scroll down and click the orange button to agree to the proposal from Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Policy Consultative conference and executive director of the Institute of Global Studies at the University of Shanghai, calling for legislation to protect pet animals! Every 24 hours. Now more than 1897418 supporters
- China. First click on the (second) top box on the right. Vote for no. 1 and now for no. 2! Nr. 1: NPC delegates suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 4131414 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC delegate Zhu Lieyu: the abuse of animals is getting worse. Suggested punishment. More than 4120062 votes now. Every 24 hours
- Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5303015 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public safety administration. Every 24 hours ------------- Vote once a week for your favorite charities to share $ 50,000 ----

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