Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Petitions and More, Sept. 18 Call to action for the massacred dolphins at Taiji! Tweet, comment, send an email! Please retweet (and thread) for the dogs and cats in S. Korea! Tweets. Brazil US "Development” of the Amazon! ..... Tweets, Cosponsor HR 961, the SAFE Act, Horses are not food! See more. Please ask these Reps to cosponsor HR961 against horse slaughter and export for slaughter abroad!
------------------------ Let’s get more signatures fast. Current goal is to stop the wolf cull from happening again this winter and to resist ongoing efforts to escalate the persecution of wolves across the province! Today! Join ADI in supporting the CECIL Act (HR2245, sponsored by Chair Raul M. Grijalva) and the Big Cat Public Safety Act (HR1380, sponsored by Rep. Mike Quigley)! The Dirty Dozen: These Companies are Destroying the Amazon! France, ban the production of fur! Urge the British Fashion Council to Ban Leather and Fur at London Fashion Week! France. January 1, 2020, palm oil should be excluded from the list of "biofuels". But Total set out to change this law and appealed to the Constitutional Council. Do not let Total have the last word! No forest, no life. No forest, no water. No forest, no food. No forest, no future. Demand that the Bolsonaro government stop the destruction of the Amazon now!  Vesoul, Belfort: justice for this German Shepherd Cheyenne, dragged behind his owners truck; we demand a 2 years sentence, 30,000 in fines and a lifelong ban on keeping animals! No to animal abuse. Dulce Rojo Pastry has not publicly committed to reject eggs that come from chickens that spend their entire lives in cages Help the chickens and ask Wyndham to keep his promise. To confirm Stand with Youth and Wildlife for Climate Action Russia. Prosecute this murderer, an official, and an 'hunting expert'  for shooting and killing from their car 4 known owned and collared dogs at a public place in the Perm Territory (Gornozavodsky District) ! 25 Points to eradicate violence towards animals in Mexico, carry out the following actions at the national level! For zero killing of dogs and cats in the pounds in Ibiza! Wyndham: help the chickens, eliminate the cages! Wyndham, we will not be staying at any of your hotels until you stop supporting this flagrant animal abuse to chickens  Save the Forest Park of the Fuente del Moro from a road construction, there are alternatives! Save Endangered Dolphins, Whales, and Sharks From Becoming Dinner Meat! Vietnam. Protest against the cruel behavior towards animals that are taking place in the name of traditional festivals in the village Thuong (formerly Thr Thuong village), Khac Niem Ward, TP. Called Bac Ninh, known as "Bac Ninh pig slashing ceremony" !
-  China, vote please, select the blue button to agree: Cats and dogs are our friends, not food! (Next: share with your friends) Every 24 hours. Now 976788 supporters
-  Please vote, scroll down and click on the orange button to agree with the proposal of Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Executive Director of the Institute of Global Studies at Shanghai University, calling for legislation to protect companion animals! Every 24 hours. Now  1638200 supporters  China. First click on the (second) Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 3945258 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 3933476 votes now. Every 24 hours  Second Page, vote for nr. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5127769 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalty's for public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------  The Harmony Fund international animal rescue charity

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