Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Petitions and More, July 2

https://koreandogs.org/la-resolution/ Urgent, deadline July 3: Submit comments in support of the LA City Council Resolution (ban the sale of dog meat and enforce your animal cruelty laws) Send emails to the City Council members in support of the City Council Resolution, CF 19-0002-S101. Contact consulates of China, Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, and Indonesia asking them to stop the dog meat trade and enforce animal welfare laws
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/632316343913025 Retweets, S. Korea’s dmt, Legislation! Plus 1 Yulin tweet
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/632310207246972 Retweets. Gov. Mike Sonko, Kenya Dog Meat Media Tweets
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=632375367240456&set=a.104104623400869&type=3&theater (see more) Retweets, No More Hiding Behind Scientific Experimentation, Japan’s New Commercial Whale Hunt Has Began,1st Victim!
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/632315893913070   Please ask these Reps to cosponsor HR961 against horse slaughter and export for slaughter abroad!
https://sites.google.com/site/jtftwebsheetdolphinangels/day-30 Tweetsheet for Dolphins, day 30 Or copy/paste a tweet
https://www.caareusa.org/nih_stop_chronically_wasting_animal_lives NIH, use organoids to replace infecting animals!
https://www.stop-fourrure.fr/en/home/  The worst in France, close this fur breeder down!
https://petitions.signforgood.com/SaveSouthernOrca/ There are just 75 orca left in the Puget Sound. Habitat destruction, pollution and dam infrastructure along the Snake River have decimated the Southern Resident orca population
http://thefoultruth.org/sign-the-petition/ The Foul Truth is an industrial-sized secret! Free-range chickens face abuse and neglect which is parallel to their intensively-reared cousins
https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/onlineactions/UGNCawk_7kaYrspIHsKopw2  National Forests Threatened by New Trump Proposal
https://www.spca.com/en/keeping-families-together/ The right to posses animals in residential units and to obtain legislative change on this issue!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/44830/action/1 Reminder. At Least 48 Bulls Are Killed in Pamplona Every July – Help Stop This!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/41946/action/1 Tell Etsy to Ban Fur From Its Website!
https://support.peta.org/page/7704/action/1 Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, and Pfizer have refused to enact a ban on the use of the useless forced swim test!
https://support.peta.org/page/11727/action/1 Urge City of Deer Park, Texas, to Scrap Cruel Armadillo 'Races'!
https://e-activist.com/page/21258/action/1?ea.tracking.id=eml&ea.url.id=3734498 UK-info. Ask your MP to back the campaign to ban cruel battery cages for game birds
https://wecollect.ch/de/campaign/massentierhaltung/ Swiss-info only. No factory farming in Switzerland!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/ New petitions! All to confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/delphinarium-assez-monsieur-rugy-attendons-mesures/69218 France. Ban Dolphinariums, mr. de Rugy, we are waiting for your measures in favor of animal welfare
https://vgt.at/actionalert/spaltenboden2019/protest.php Austria. To send a letter:  pig farming should be abolished on fully slatted floors!
https://aktion.bund.net/frau-merkel-retten-sie-unsere-insekten Germany. Save our insects. To confirm (check spam box)
https://www.change.org/p/salviamo-le-balene-italymfa-sergiocosta-min-abeshinzo-savethewhales  Japan has resumed killing whales for commercial purposes. It is an infamy without justification
https://www.change.org/p/mayotte-le-d%C3%A9partement-oubli%C3%A9-de-france Mayotte the forgotten department of France. Assistance from the state services and elected representatives of the island would give us the courage to continue our arduous and difficult task for the (stray) animals
- http://testapi.petbang2014.com/pet-api/vote/index.html  China, vote please, select the blue button to agree: Cats and dogs are our friends, not food! (Next: share with your friends) Showing 125960 supporters
- http://pet.goumin.com/hd/animal-legislation/index.html  Please vote, scroll down and click on the orange button to agree with the proposal of Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Executive Director of the Institute of Global Studies at Shanghai University, calling for legislation to protect companion animals! Now 775608 supporters
http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm  China. First click on the (second) Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 3324206 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 3313093 votes now. Every 24 hours
http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm  Second Page, vote for nr. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 4518423 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalty's for public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVf8JUlE8SAtio3yrasOdFA  For Michael Chour’s shelter: the Sound of Animals, Cambodia, all video’s, please subscribe, like and watch as often as possible, it will generate income for the dog's care and food! Just open this link 6 or more times and let the video’s run at the same time (pc) by clicking on it----


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