Saturday, November 3, 2018

Petitions and More, Nov. 3  We are asking for support in boycotting the World Dog Show 2019 in China! The tweets are addressed to big media channels. These tweets will be done daily till May 2019  These tweets are addressed to the President and the government of South Korea; we are committed to maintaining and building international pressure on the Government of S. Korea to end the cat and dog meat trade! Retweets, HR113, S1706, SAFE Act, Protect Americas Horses from being slaughtered!  Protect Wild Horses! Via Facebook. Please ask these Congress members to Cosponsor H.R. 113, the SAFE Act, and to urge Greg Walden, Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, to Move H.R.113 to the Committee to be marked up and reviewed so it can be moved up for a Vote! US-info. Ask your representative to give America's wildlife a "lift" by co-sponsoring the Limiting Inhumane Federal Trapping (LIFT) Act! Reminder. Contact the US Forest Service and your members of Congress to ask that wild horses be spared from slaughter! Reminder.  Members of Congress: Protect imperiled ocean life by opposing any legislation that would weaken the Endangered Species Act! 1) Send Grieving Zoo Elephant to Sanctuary Before it's Too Late! 2) Urgent: Free Innocent Dogs from Imprisonment! Hens Will Suffer and Die if Plans for This Shropshire Egg Farm Go Ahead Spare Cows in Ireland a Voyage of Despair Dolce & Gabbana Sells Fur From Tortured Rabbits Reminder. Demand these companies’ CEOs take responsibility for the plastic pollution crisis they’ve helped create France. Remove the fox from the ‘animal pest-listing’ in the Alpes-Maritimes! They are killed all year round, estimated between 600,000 and one million foxes a year in France! Russia. Voronezh. Release the lonely pensioner who beat his dog's killer! Brazil. Increase the penalties for those who mistreat animals! Spain. City of Córdoba: prohibit the exhibition of animals behind (stained) glass windows! Brazil. No to the merger of the Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment in Brazil; the new president Bolsonaro threatens to get out of the Paris climate agreement and also favors deforestation forest permits by opening the door to intensive exploitation by agribusiness and mining companies!  Brazil.  Demanding guarantees for the protection of the environment in the policies of the government of Bolsonaro; looking at the merger of MMA and MAPA, these two ministries have to work together for the same cause: protection of the environment, fauna and flora, preserving the Amazonian forest Argentina. San Nicolás de los Arroyos. We demand the enactment of the draft law prohibiting the possession, use, manipulation, deposit, circulation and transport of pyrotechnics Spain. To be able to travel with dogs of more than 10kg in all Renfe trains
                                                                 ==========   News and more  =========    China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 2010622 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 2010613 votes now. Every 24 hours  =====   Changed, please vote for Nr. 1 now, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now circa 3204483 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours  ======  Poll: Should New Jersey Ban Bear Hunting? Vote Yes please! Now up to 69.6 %


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