Parkinson’s UK, through ‘Virtual Biotech’, has granted more than £780,000 to
develop a drug, NLX-112, using monkey’s, injected with MPTP in order to damage
their brains and cause terrifying symptoms!
Known results are conflicting and non-predictive !
USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, stop killing kittens as part of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research!
Retweet please. The Dog and Cat Meat Trade is a great shame of South Korea
Retweets, save the Horses, HR113/S1706, SAFE Act!
Ask these Senators to cosponsor S.1706/SAFE Act and to urge Chairman Lamar
Alexander of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to Mark up
and Review S.1706 and help move it to a Vote! Retweets
for our Horses!
Tweetstorm, Thomas Cook/Atlantis, for the Dolphins! Email
FWS Refuge manager, Ken Sturm, at and let him know that
you oppose All trapping, but given the choices offered in their proposal, you
choose #2, trapping for "pest" control only!
Ask Amazon CEO and billionaire Jeff Bezos to give customers the right to know
how animals are treated on Amazon and Whole Foods factory farms! France.
We demand maximum and much higher penalties than the Prosecutor's submissions,
especially for the perpetrators of animal abuse and torture in slaughterhouses
! To confirm France.
It is necessary that some Martégales and Martégaux, with the support of their
Mayor, come to replace Thérèse (91 now) and thus to ensure a happy end for the
unfortunate and abandoned (sterilized) cats of the cemetery Saint-Joseph!
Stop the tattooing of cats and dogs
Spare Cows in Ireland a Voyage of Despair More
actions, if not taken yet Once
No Border Wall in the Rio Grande Valley PepsiCo
has just announced that it will STOP sourcing — both directly and indirectly —
from Conflict Palm Oil producer Indofood. This is a huge step by PepsiCo, but
it’s still linked to Indofood through a joint partnership The
fate of stray cats: Mayors of France, enforce your obligations! A budget for
TNR! Mexico.
Hardening of sentences for abuse and deprivation of animal life in
Aguascalientes! Create
public (free) vet clinics ... Spain.
Barcelona: we want free rescue services for animals as it was before!
At the Linus Lerner Opera Festival in San Luis Potosí, a terrible act of
barbarie took place, the performance of a Portuguese Bullfight in the middle of
the Opera Carmen! Reconsider this opera's booking and allocate the resources to
other projects that truly spread art and culture! I believe that animals must be
respected !
Mexico. For a ban on the sale of animals
Greenpeace, save the polar bears
Save Honey the Dolphin, abandoned for 7 months now in a dirty tank in a marine
park in Japan that is no longer open to the public
Report this sadistic and murderous animal-killing family Italy.
Ban hunting now, a boy was killed by a hunter! No
to an all-inclusive hotel in an area that is National Park for over 40 years,
being protected by law, they want to destroy much of the forest that surrounds
the beach, generating an environmental impact, destroying the virgin landscape
of the Machalilla National Park simply for the benefit of a business group!
Germany. Deny RWE further action in the Hambacher Forest! Since the mid-1970s,
the Hambacher Forest in North Rhine-Westphalia is being destroyed for the
purpose of lignite mining on behalf of RWE; this has to end now!
Germany. According to the Freedom of Information Act, we demand immediate
disclosure of the entire cost structure, the total and partial costs (cost types
and cost centers) for the police operation in the Hambach Forest and
transparency who pays for these efforts (eviction). RWE should pay for this, not
the taxpayers! Germany.
City of Dortmund, reject your RWE shares now! Russia. Novo-Ire,
Moscow. Save our unique Ulyanovsky Lesoparka (park) from destruction! Madrid.
A ban on firecrackers Save
Africa's Elephants. Close Ivory Markets Worldwide! Right
now, pigs are being killed in emergency medicine residency training at the
University of Missouri School of Medicine (MU) in Columbia. They need your help!
========== News and more ========= China. First
click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT! Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2 ! Nr. 1: NPC
deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of
animals. Now circa 1805095 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly
fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1805032 votes now. Every 24 hours ===== Changed, please vote for
NR 2, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red
hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 2 , now circa
2999203 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for
public security administration . Every 24 hours ======
Poll: Should New Jersey Ban Bear Hunting? Vote Yes please! Now 64,98 %
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