Saturday, September 1, 2018

Petitions and More, Sept. 1 Gwangju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets! Email, post on their Fb pages, tweet!  Send a letter by post, comment on their Fb pages, tweet! Gwangmyeong, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets! US-info. Secretary Zinke: Honor Tribal sovereignty, stop the trophy hunts! Keep Torturous Wild Horse Sterilization Out of U.S. Budget! Ban Greyhound Racing in the UK! To confirm International Primate Day 2018 – Letter to MPs, UK! Help close the ritual slaughter loophole, non-stun slaughter causes additional fear and pain to animals!  Ryan Zinke and Wilbur Ross: wildlife must be protected and weakening the Endangered Species Act is Totally Unacceptable! Urge Feds to Investigate the CDC’s Laboratories Now! Urge Chinese Retailer Meters/bonwe to Stop Selling Fur! Please update NIH’s commissioned report on the use of animals to produce antibodies! Urge Texas A&M University to Close Dog Laboratory Urge Rabbinical Leadership to Denounce Ritual Chicken Killing Urge the University of Nebraska to Halt Hazardous Balloon Releases Comodoro Rivadavia. Neutering and responsible ownership of dogs and cats. The massive castration campaign in the city does Not seem to be enough, people need to be educated. Please introduce as well a discount on property tax for the owners who show  responsible pet ownership! Send an email to California Governor Jerry Brown today and ask him to sign SB 1017 to save the lives of turtles, dolphins, and whales  US-info. Tell your Member of Congress to oppose anti-environment riders in the Farm Bill! AU/ WA-info only. Protest. An extreme new plan was released that would turn the National Heritage listed river into a massive Murray-Darling style industrial agriculture hub Russia. On the need to amend Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Cruelty to Animals) Amendments to the Criminal Code will recognize the fact that harming an animal is as criminal as causing harm to a person. Recognition of the fact that cruelty to animals is a form of antisocial and aggressive behavior will help! Exemplary punishment for torturers of Majicavo's 25 dogs on the beach! Russia. Investigate and finally charge this abuser from Voronezh who threw a dog out of the window of the 8th floor! Germany. No ivory sale! ZDF, 'Bares for Rares': Stop Trading in Ivory! Protect the last elephants! End Indonesia's dog and cat meat trade! Sign the petition to end overfishing The Sad Story Behind This Heartwarming Photo of Two Penguins in Love
                                                    ==========   News and more  =========
(Not available  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1562796 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1562761 votes now. Every 24 hours-------  Changed, please vote for NR 2, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2752632 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   --------------)


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