We are calling on all member countries to pass a resolution at the UN General
Assembly to initiate the proceedings that will lead to the convention. Our goal
is enforceable and enforced harmonised rules ending the use of animals in
cosmetics testing 1)
Iceland: Stop Your Senseless Murdering of Whales! 2) US-info. 50 Years of
Kitten Killing Funded by Your Tax Dollars! Daily
action, updated (scroll down please) Dear Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Please
move HR1406 as a Stand Alone Bill and HRes401 onto the House Floor for a vote
without further delay! Friday
5/18/18 #HRes401 Daily actions, Take Note - There is a New verbiage to reflect
the Farm Bill Not passing in the House (applies to HR1406 only) Re-Target -->
Republicans Highest HSLF scorecards Friday
5/18/18 #HR1406 Daily action, Take Note - There is a New verbiage to reflect
the Farm Bill Not passing in the House. Target --> Republican HSLF highest
scores Scroll
down to shut it down
US-info. Tell your senators to save the Endangered Species Act! France
must respect its commitment to ban glyphosate in 3 years, no later than the end
of 2020. To confirm Spain.
We are fighting for the animals, and we ask for director change at the dog pound
in Son Reus! Turkey.
Charge Ali Göktekin, a resident of İzmir Ayrancılar, shooting and killing
animals Relocate
Dumba, a 41-year-old elephant , now in Catalonia, Spain Spain.
Madrid. Include MALP members during the process in an effective and transparent
manner, not only on paper and belatedly while incurring animal abuse during and
after the 'relocation' of pigeons! Stop
the mass killing of dogs in Russia! If not signed yet Email
your MP: Ask them to speak out against fur cruelty
========= News and more
========= China. First
click on the Upper Box at your Right! Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2 ! ( Nr. 1:
NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse
of animals. Now circa 701387 votes Nr. 2: NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of
animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 697467 votes
now. Every 24 hours------- China. Takes a while.
Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page!
Vote for Nr. 3, now circa 1888424 votes. Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals is
recommended to be included in public security management punishment! Every 24
hours --------------
Hunting poll, No!!!
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