Subject: Allow the Rehabilitation of Orphaned Bear Cubs left behind due to
Trophy Hunting!
Dear Minister, Premier, Secretary, Sir, Madam:
Currently the Alberta government allows the killing of bear cubs left
behind by trophy hunters who "accidentally" kill mother bears for a head to
mount on their wall!
Bear cubs are shot by Fish and Wildlife or left to starve to death, or be
victims of predators.
This includes both black bear and grizzly bear cubs , as well as many other
species found in Alberta.
A petition was delivered to the Legislature in March by MLA, Dr. David
Albertans and people throughout the world made it clear that allowing
injured wildlife to succumb to "Nature taking its course" is unacceptable.
The Alberta Environment & Parks Department, as stewards of Alberta’s
wildlife, have failed in their responsibility towards orphaned bear cubs and
other indigenous wildlife species.
This government has failed their clear duty by omitting to provide Alberta
Environment & Parks, AEP's approved “applicable protocols” that they,
themselves, require before orphaned bear cubs, lynx and bobcat kittens, fox
cubs, and elk calves can be rescued, reared and released back into the
To quote from Alberta’s 2018/2019 Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits “…the
permittee may only rehabilitate that animal in accordance with the applicable
protocol that has been adopted by AEP”
To quote from Brett Boukall AEP, (3/29/2018) “As of right now, there are no
approved protocols for orphaned black bear cubs in Alberta.
When AEP approves a protocol for any species or updates existing ones, the
wildlife rehabilitators will be the first to know.”
Does this matter? Yes, and for many reasons, but the most vital, for bear
cubs is the most immediate.
The Spring Bear hunt opens on Sunday (April 1, 2018) and though it is
illegal to do so, every year hunters 'accidentally' kill female bears with cubs.
The cubs are tiny, they can weigh less than a newborn baby… the hunters are
up a tree over their bait barrels, so they often can't sex the bear they are
shooting, nor see the cubs. This is why it is a legitimate concern for bear
cubs in Alberta.
This is why Alberta Environment and Parks need to complete protocols for
bear cubs and the other species listed in “Schedule A”.
On this day, 3 orphaned bear cubs were found in a Banff National Park
bathroom (no doubt due to the accidental killing of their mother during hunting
season) and were allowed to be transported to a wildlife sanctuary in Ontario,
the plan, to be rehabilitated and returned to the park this year for release.
Why is this acceptable when the rehabilitation of bear cubs like Russell
are not allowed, because of supposed threats to public safety??????
The government has no science to back this view!!!!!
The government needs to act responsibly, ethically, civilized and humane,
and do the right thing: complete written protocols so approved wildlife
rehabilitation sites may rehabilitate the orphaned animals in accordance to the
“applicable protocol”.
If the Alberta government wants to allow trophy hunting to continue in this
province, then they need to be responsible for the orphans who are left behind!
I urge Alberta Environment and Parks to complete the protocols necessary so
orphaned wildlife may be rehabilitated by responsible organizations and these
orphans may be released back into the wild!
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