Monday, October 23, 2017

Petitions and More, October 23

'Senator, the people you represent want you to vote NO on any language in the bill or introduced during the Senate hearings that means the death of our wild horses and burros! Thank you for hearing my voice on this important issue! ' Retweets. Co-sponsor H.Res. 401! Send an email, retweet!  Move #HR1406 to the floor for a Vote! Please help the locals by sending a complaint by email to the Sichuan Provincial Animal Husbandry Association Help stop Rabbit cruelty! Air India: Do Not Ship Animals to Labs!  Canada Goose, Ditch Fur and Down!  Colombia. Amazonian pink dolphins are not bait fish;  the only way to stop the killings is to stop the fish fraud! US-info. Protect our communities, coasts and climate: say NO to seismic blasting If not signed yet. The Great Northern Forest is under threat! The USFS has ignored a humane management proposal from the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group Russia. Solve the problem of homeless animals in Russia (with a humane program) Russia. Protect animals; it's ridiculous to get off with a fine for the life of an animal, we ask to toughen punishment for cruel treatment of animals and to introduce an amendment to the law in the form of imprisonment for cruel treatment of animals that resulted in death! Argentina. Towards the end of animal testing for cosmetic products 'One Medicine' claims that experiments on animals can predict the responses of human patients, in disease research and the safety testing of new human medicines. This claim is quite simply not true!  Spain. Take measures against (setting) fire in Galicia, Asturias, Leon etc., against  environmental terrorism! Remove laws allowing to use destroyed forest; create a law to restore and repopulate forests (for wildlife); high penalties for arsenists! Spain. To kill for a cooking program, cancel the transmission of the Catalan chain Esport 3 program "the Culinary Adventures of Sarah Wiener" which incites indiscriminate violence Let me travel with my 5 non-adoptable cats to Senegal where my mother lives Save the wolves - stop the Swedish wolf hunt in 2018!
                    ==========    News and more    =========


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