Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Petitions and More, October 31

https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/310269936117669 Retweets. Ask these Reps. to co-sponsor HRes 401!
https://www.obrancizvirat.cz/petice/mnozirny/ Petition against dog breeding: we are demanding that fundamental measures be taken against the growth of so-called breeding facilities in the territory of the Czech Republic! Click to agree. Odeslat (send) . To confirm: click on Ano, potvrzuji svůj podpis (yes I confirm my signature) (might end up in your spam box)
http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/usda-comments-on-stricter-puppy-mill-legislation Deadline Nov. 2! Post your comment please, examples are given
https://weact.campact.de/petitions/verbrechen-an-tieren-hartere-strafen-fur-tierqualer-und-tiermorder-in-deutschland Crimes against animals - Tougher penalties for animal abusers and animal killers in Germany! To confirm (Teilnahme bestätigen)
http://www.lav.it/petizioni/bastasparare Needs more signatures. For a new law prohibiting hunting on national territory and guaranteeing the protection of wild animals as sentient beings in Italy
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/pretez-voix-parlez-fort/35534 No animal is a biological model for humans. Each euro paid for animal research represents one euro less to develop or perfect methods to replace animal testing. Boycott animal experimentation! To confirm
https://secure.awf.org/dems-stop-HR2603 If not signed yet. Stop HR 2603 before it wipes out Africa’s wildlife!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/projet-loi-visant-interdire-chasse-courre/35373 A law to ban hunting in France. If not signed yet. To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/sondage/animaux/pensez-loi-obliger-port-puce-tatouage/7452 Vote. Do you think that the law should require the wearing of a microchip or a tattoo for pets to punish the owner if abandonment occurs? Oui=yes
http://action.petaindia.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=111&ea.campaign.id=68669 Maharashtra's Bulls Still Need Your Help; Bullock Cart Races Hurt Bulls!
http://org.salsalabs.com/o/1201/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=22495 US-info. Contact your Representative and urge them to vote NO on the Resilient Forests Act of 2017 (H.R. 2936)
https://www.ran.org/pepsico_must_respond Demand PepsiCo takes immediate action to end its role in driving forest destruction
https://www.wcs.org/  African Grey Parrots Need Strong Enforcement
https://wildernesswatch.salsalabs.org/polymetlandexchangehr3115/index.html US-info. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Wild Public Lands Need Your Help…Again!
http://bit.ly/2z57wmf Russia. Hold Svetlana Daraselia  ( https://vk.com/id370095092 ) criminally responsible under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Cruelty to Animals", block her from the social network "VKontakte" and enter this page into the federal list of extremist materials and charge her under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Raising hatred.."
http://bit.ly/2yYms68 Russia. Legally prohibit in Russia abuse of domestic animals
http://bit.ly/2lzcNNN Russia. Influence the administration of the sanatoriums of the Krasnodar Territory so that they will allow them to live with homeless cats on their territory who have found shelter in cellars and other places!
http://bit.ly/2zkDLiC Russia. Establish in Elektrostal a shelter for stray dogs to be neutered and vaccinated,  in cooperation with volunteers
https://www.change.org/p/ordu-%C5%9Fehrine-bir-hayvan-hastanesi-yap%C4%B1ls%C4%B1n Turkey. Army Metropolitan Municipality. Request for an Animal hospital  
https://www.change.org/p/10080317/u/21850783 Update Citizens Campaign Against "Big Lick" Animal Cruelty
https://www.change.org/p/se-necesita-coordinaci%C3%B3n-entre-administraciones-frente-al-picudo-rojo-en-extremadura Spain. Coordination between administrations is needed in front of the red weevil insect in Extremadura
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http://thesavemovement.org/  Witnessing pigs, cows, chickens and other farmed animals en route to slaughter


Monday, October 30, 2017

Petitions and More, October 30

https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/309500936194569 Retweets. Please ask these Reps. to co-sponsor H. RES. 401 !
https://www.facebook.com/noelle.tonnissen.3/posts/156313811635737 Retweets. Please, Ask These Reps To CoSponsor #HRes1406 And #HRes401
https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/hk_ivory_loc_ctrl/  If not signed yet. Hong Kong: End ivory, not elephants!
https://www.ran.org/halloween_fb Help protect the last remaining Sumatran orangutans which are being pushed to the brink of extinction.  Their homes are being destroyed for Conflict Palm Oil that makes its way into Halloween candy and Nestlé won't stop buying this Conflict Palm Oil!
https://action.hsi.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=104&ea.campaign.id=77839 Mexico. Torneo del Lazo takes place throughout the year in various Yucatán municipalities, where horses are trapped with bulls that severely injure and often kill the horse! Urge for an end of the cruel spectacle Torneo del Lazo!
https://www.animalstoday.nl/petitie-verbied-onverdoofd-slachten/ Netherlands. For a ban on unstunned slaughter! To confirm
https://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2452 US-info. Protect Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears, Support S.941 and stand with Senator Tester to protect the Emigrant Crevice from mining
https://sierra.secure.force.com/actions/National?actionId=AR0092903 US-info. Tell Congress to reject efforts to gut the Antiquities Act
https://act.oceana.org/page/13144/action/1 Safeguard Belize’s marine assets from offshore oil activity
http://bit.ly/2z3DH5R Japan. Makoto Oya captured 13 stray cats and tortured them, putting them in a video and making it public. We will pursue the responsibility of "animal cruelty enthusiast" for causing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people who were effected by the abominable and devastating details after the incident report
https://www.change.org/p/ongs-de-prote%C3%A7%C3%A3o-animal-pela-maior-fiscaliza%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-canis-e-pet-shops-no-rio-de-janeiro Brazil. Intensify inspections for animal cruelty in (breeding) kennels and pet shops in Rio de Janeiro!
https://www.change.org/p/legal-killing-of-polar-bears The Canadian Government is still allowing the hunting and killing of polar bears, a threatened species. The only restriction is that they must have an Inuit guide and pay a small fee of $750.00, this is utterly ridiculous!
https://www.change.org/p/presidente-della-regione-piemonte-sergio-chiamparino-cacciatori-ed-incendi Italy. Immediately suspend hunting in the Piedmont region to give wildlife and flora a chance to recover
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-la-puebla-de-almoradiel-toledo-un-terreno-para-construir-de-un-refugio-de-animales-la-puebla-de-almoradiel-toledo Spain. City Hall of La Puebla de Almoradiel (Toledo). We now need land to build an animal shelter for our rescues
https://www.change.org/p/mark-zuckerberg-pour-que-fb-arr%C3%AAte-d-emp%C3%AAcher-les-d%C3%A9fenseurs-des-animaux-de-dire-la-v%C3%A9rit%C3%A9 Facebook supports animal suffering and torturers of all kinds, if it prevents us from informing the public!
https://www.change.org/p/monsieur-le-maire-de-montpellier-laissez-vivre-les-ragondins-fbe2c59c-9ce1-4da9-b2e6-f443cafc4d4b France. Requesting protection and sterilization of the last 3 nutria's in the Jacques Coeur basin, Montpellier
https://www.change.org/p/leonardo-di-caprio-cr%C3%A9ation-haut-commissariat-de-d%C3%A9fenses-internationales-de-d%C3%A9fense-des-animaux Leonardo di Caprio, known for your many commitments to the planet and to animals: we call for the creation of a post of an International High Commissioner for Animal Defense
https://www.change.org/p/miguel-%C3%A1ngel-revilla-miguel-%C3%A1ngel-revilla-que-no-da%C3%B1en-la-r%C3%ADa-de-san-vicente-y-el-parque-natural-de-oyambre Spain. San Vicente de la Barquera. Stop the plan that will damage the estuary of San Vicente and the Natural Park of Oyambre
https://www.change.org/p/torino-citta-to-gmail-com-piemonte-in-fiamme-si-richiede-l-intervento-dell-esercito-e-lo-stato-di-calmit%C3%A0 Italy. Piemonte in flames: the intervention of the Army and the state of calamity is required
http://bit.ly/2iL8q1t Russia. Kargopol. Stop the pollution of the Onega River, before it's too late
https://www.change.org/p/j%C3%B6rg-vogels%C3%A4nger-bienen-und-schmetterlinge-auch-f%C3%BCr-unsere-kindeskinder Germany. For a complete ban on the use of pesticides of any kind for private individuals, stronger controls for use in agriculture (soil samples). Ending monoculture in agriculture
https://www.change.org/p/nicolas-hulot-arr%C3%AAter-l-hypocrisie-des-gouvernements-sur-le-renouvellement-de-la-licence-du-glyphosate France. Label all products treated with this herbicide with ‘Presence of glyphosate on this product’
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http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/834507/1933cfd1be/1582506019/6807adb0de/ Harmony Fund, projects Croatia, Bosnia, Romania, Macedonia, Ukraine
https://www.blm.gov/adoptahorse/onlinegallery.php?horseCategory=747 BLM Internet adoption program for Wild Horses and Burro's ....

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Christchurch, New Zealand, sister city to Seoul Songpa-gu, S. Korea

Twitter: .@Songpafocus .@bch2122 .@ChristchurchCC .@LianneDalziel Plz Urge Sister City Seoul Songpa-gu, Stop torture/eat dogs https://goo.gl/mt3EVx
Subject: Christchurch, New Zealand, sister city to Seoul Songpa-gu, S. Korea
To: mayor@ccc.govt.nz; andrew.turner@ccc.govt.nz; glenn.livingstone@ccc.govt.nz; tim.scandrett@ccc.govt.nz; deon.swiggs@ccc.govt.nz; david.east@ccc.govt.nz; jamie.gough@ccc.govt.nz; anne.galloway@ccc.govt.nz; aaron.keown@ccc.govt.nz; sara.templeton@ccc.govt.nz; jimmy.chen@ccc.govt.nz; pauline.cotter@ccc.govt.nz; yani.johanson@ccc.govt.nz; mike.davidson@ccc.govt.nz; vicki.buck@ccc.govt.nz; phil.clearwater@ccc.govt.nz; raf.manji@ccc.govt.nz;
Dear Mayor Dalziel,
dear City Council members:
Seoul Songpa-gu, S. Korea, became Sister city with Christchurch in 1995.
The horrific dog-meat trade and consumption is currently being practiced in that city, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law –  the laws are simply not enforced!
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress under deliberate torture.
We ask you to please watch the videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry:
These poor creatures cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your city wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue as well, and not want to be affiliated with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by S. Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Seoul Songpa-gu, especially Mayor Chun-Hee Park, to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this so often concealed subject, thank you.


Auckland, New Zealand, sister city to Busan, S. Korea

Twitter: .@BusanCityGovt .@bsy8680 .@AklCouncil .@phil_goff Plz Urge Sister City Busan, S Korea-Stop torture/eating dogs/cats https://goo.gl/LLmysc
Subject: Auckland, New Zealand, sister city to Busan, S. Korea
To: phil.goff@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Dear Mayor Goff,
dear City Council members,
Busan became Sister city with Auckland in 1996.
The horrific dog-meat trade and consumption is currently being practiced in that city, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law –  the laws are simply not enforced!
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress under deliberate torture.
We ask you to please watch the videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry:
These poor creatures cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your city wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue as well, and not want to be affiliated with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by S. Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Busan, especially Mayor Byung-Soo Suh, to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this so often concealed subject, thank you.


Cuenca, Ciudad Hermana de Paju, Corea del Sur. Cuenca, Spain, sister city to Paju, S. Korea

Twitter: .@pajusi .@pjleejaehong .@aytocuenca .@2015Mariscal Plz Urge Sister City Paju, S.Korea-Stop torture/eating dogs/cats https://goo.gl/u2T8cd
Subject: Cuenca, Ciudad Hermana de Paju, Corea del Sur. Cuenca, Spain, sister city to Paju, S. Korea
To: alcalde@cuenca.es; emjimenez@cuenca.es; jhuete@cuenca.es; pjgarcia@cuenca.es; cnavarro@cuenca.es; jmmartinezl@cuenca.es; mmsegarra@cuenca.es; jagomez@cuenca.es; allorens@cuenca.es; mjgomezdelmoral@cuenca.es; jneira@cuenca.es; nmohorte@cuenca.es; ehernandez@cuenca.es; afernandez@cuenca.es; vmalijas@cuenca.es; sdelossantos@cuenca.es; jibenito@cuenca.es; lmartinezt@cuenca.es; amsanchez@cuenca.es; pgarcia@cuenca.es; acruz@cuenca.es; mjamores@cuenca.es; acarrascov@cuenca.es; acalvo@cuenca.es;
Estimado Señor Alcalde de Cuenca,
miembros del Concejo Municipal:
Respetuosamente pedimos que tenga a bien observar estos videos correspondientes al comercio de carne de perro en Corea del Sur:
¿Considera Usted que Cuenca debería ser Ciudad Hermana de cualquier otra que permita torturar y comer perros y gatos?
Por favor, inste al alcalde de Paju Jae-Hong Lee a que ponga fin a las granjas ilegales de perro, y a los mataderos, mercados, transportes y restaurantes que utilicen productos de aquel origen.
Está en curso una petición en línea solicitando su apoyo para terminar con la crueldad inherente a la industria de carnes de perro y gato en Corea del Sur:
Se solicita el favor de su respuesta.
Muchas gracias,
------------------------------------------  Or  (Fb S. Korea)
Dear Mr. Mayor of Cuenca,
dear Members of the Municipal Council:
Paju, S. Korea, became Sister city with Cuenca in 2008.
The horrific dog-meat trade and consumption is currently being practiced in that city, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law –  the laws are simply not enforced!
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress under deliberate torture.
We ask you to please watch the videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry:
These poor creatures cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your city wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue as well, and not want to be affiliated with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by S. Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Paju, especially Mayor Jae-Hong Leeto, to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this so often concealed subject, thank you.


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Petitions and More, October 28

https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=EPA-HQ-OA-2017-0533-0001 I support an end to the use of animal toxicity tests and request to see this prioritized in the EPA’s 2018-2022 Strategic Plan
https://support.peta.org/page/1866/action/1 Please End Wasteful Spending at NIH!
https://support.peta.org/page/2237/action/1 Urge Century 21 to Drop Fur
https://support.peta.org/page/1007/action/1 Urge Texas A&M University to Close Dog Laboratories
http://action.petafrance.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=45&ea.campaign.id=40378 Ask the EU to stop subsidizing bullfights with public money
http://fiapo.org/end-exploitative-dairies-petition/ Protest against series of malpractices and the appalling state of animals in dairies, especially in urban and peri-urban areas in India
http://ida.convio.net/site/MessageViewer?em_id=40458.0&dlv_id=44092&pgwrap=n 1) Stop Birds Being Boiled Alive! 2) US-info. Ban the International Dog & Cat Meat Trade
http://caribou4ever.ca/questions-answer/ Canada only. Alberta, protection for caribou and their habitat now!  Scroll down please
http://org.salsalabs.com/o/2426/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=22494 US-info. End Bison Hunt West of Yellowstone!  Immediate Action Needed!
https://www.animalsasia.org/de/no-sunbear-selfies.html Stop the suffering for selfies: Help the sun bear!
https://www.change.org/p/policia-de-tucuman-castigo-a-el-o-los-envenenadores-de-3-perritos-fuera-del-predio-de-la-soc-rural-de-tucum%C3%A1n Argentina. Punish the poisoner of 3 puppies in the area of ​​the Soc Rural de Tucumán
https://www.change.org/p/procuradoria-geral-de-justi%C3%A7a-do-estado-de-sao-paulo-serra-do-mursa-pede-socorro Brazil. Sao Paulo.  Repeal the Municipal Complementary Law 221-2011 that allows allotment in an area of ​​environmental preservation in the Serra do Mursa, in flagrant disrespect to previous laws! It is a further attack on the life and biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest!
https://www.change.org/p/mme-le-maire-de-port-de-bouc-13110-cr%C3%A9er-un-refuge-pour-les-chats-libres-en-danger France. The cats of Port de Bouc in distress and danger need a place of peace and that is what we ask today for them ... a refuge!
https://www.change.org/p/istanbul-b%C3%BCy%C3%BCk%C5%9Fehir-belediye-ba%C5%9Fkan%C4%B1-sokak-k%C3%B6peklerine-zul%C3%BCm-engellenmeli Turkey. Stop the street dogs' persecution, stop the violence on the horrific scale applied by the municipal teams,  Eyüp Municipality teams should be immediately dismissed and must be brought to justice!
http://bit.ly/2gJHv1E  Japan. Nishinomiya city council: please cooperate with the volunteers for the survival of the cat hut of Nishinomiya!, for the sterilized cats, well taken care off!
https://www.change.org/p/sr-gob-de-e-r%C3%ADos-cont-gustavo-bordet-se%C3%B1or-gob-de-e-r%C3%ADos-cont-g-bordet Argentina. E. Ríos. Do not accept the resignation of Dr. Claudio Ledesma, Director of Natural Resources, let him continue his projects for Wildlife!
https://www.change.org/p/minister-dawson-dpc-wa-gov-au-save-the-paynedale-endangered-species-habitat Australia. Save the Paynedale endangered species habitat from being turned into a regional waste facility!
https://www.change.org/p/sergio-chiamparino-proteggiamoci-dal-fuoco Italy. Piemonte Region, Turin region: declare our burned mountain areas to be protected from hunting and building speculations!
https://www.change.org/p/alberto-balocco-balocco-un-natale-di-crudelt%C3%A0 Italy. Balocco: a Christmas of cruelty to chickens
https://www.change.org/p/aan-de-leden-van-de-tweede-kamer-der-staten-generaal-krabben-en-kreeften-verdienen-ook-een-goede-wetgeving Netherlands. Crabs and lobsters deserve a welfare law as well (kill them in a humane way)
https://www.change.org/p/concejo-deliberante-necochea-no-a-la-pirotecnia Argentina.  Eradicate the use and commercialization of fireworks in the Necochea region
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/847/898/008/ Help Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims Evacuate With Their Pets
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/920/265/877/ Introduce The Death Penalty Or Life Imprisonment For ANYONE Found Guilty Of Being Involved In Poaching Activities
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/806/990/132/ Protect our green turtles's home! Don't let the Adani Mine destroy the reef
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/371/710/721/ Protect our reef & our children's future. No public funding for Adani's coal mine
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https://www.soidog.org/ SoiDog Thailand
https://www.ing-diba.de/verein/app/club/societydetails/80a787a1-0030-40e2-b4ab-c9f503632809 Germany only. Vote for WDC (Whale and Dolphin Conservation), the world's leading non-profit organization for the protection of whales and dolphins


Friday, October 27, 2017

Petitions and More, October 27

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1881142182155834/permalink/1951709005099151/ Dual Resolutions Tweet Sheet #3  Against dogmeat
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/308760882935241 Please Ask These Reps to Co sponsor H. RES. 401 !
https://www.dierenrecht.nl/bloedboerderijen Needs more attention. In South America, tens of thousands of pregnant mares are drained from large amounts of blood in this industry to win the hormone PMSG for the bio-industry!
http://www.congressweb.com/awi/182 Tell USDA to Stop Renewing Licenses of Cruel Roadside Zoos and Puppy Mills!
https://earthjustice.org/features/a-lens-into-their-lives-yellowstone-grizzlies  US. Take action:  Defend the Endangered Species Act! Call
https://secure.avaaz.org/nl/petition/gemeente_Bredene_zwerfkatjes_Bredene/ Belgium. For a new stray cat policy in Bredene. Too many cats, we seek support from the municipality!
http://action.biologicaldiversity.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=17729 US-info. Stop This Reckless Logging Bill. Soon the House will vote on a bill allowing massive logging projects of up to 45 square miles each on public lands without any disclosure of potential harms to wildlife, forests and watersheds!
https://support.peta.org/page/1111/action/1 Mice Suffer for Bad Science at Pitt
https://suwa.org/act-now/ US-info. Interior Secretary Zinke, Leave Utah’s National Monuments Alone! And:  Congress, Cosponsor America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act
http://www.bcforestmovement.com/ Protect BC's Endangered Old-Growth Forests and Sustainable Forestry Jobs
http://greatlakes.p2a.co/q9o5S2B Speak out against Asian Carp
http://bit.ly/2yPb3Wf Russia. We ask you to legislatively prohibit mass killings of stray dogs and cats!
http://bit.ly/2llOOBA Russia. Stop the massacre of dogs in Magadan!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-blanes-ayuntamiento-de-blanes-vallar-la-zona-de-la-colonia-de-gatos-del-barrio-mas-florit Spain. Blanes Town Hall: fence the area of the cat colony of the neighborhood Mas Florit to protect these cats from violence!
https://www.change.org/p/christophe-rondel%C3%A9-contre-l-expulsion-des-chevaux-du-haras-de-la-font 'I am a farmer, I propose to take retired racehorses to save them from the slaughterhouse, prevent the allocation of the farm to a business ' ..
https://www.change.org/p/oncfs-retrait-du-permis-de-chasse-d-alain-drach-le-tueur-du-cerf-dans-la-propri%C3%A9t%C3%A9-priv%C3%A9 France. Withdraw the hunting license of Alain Drach (the killer of the deer on private property)
https://www.change.org/p/gobernador-de-la-pcia-de-tucuman-sr-aplique-la-ley-de-proteccion-animal-a-la-gallera-elda-b-palacios-y-a-silvia-del-v-dip Argentina. Tucuman. Apply the Animal Protection law, these individuals are involved in cockfighting in their home
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/644/861/184/annulez-la-procedure-de-vente-forcee-de-la-ferme-de-jean-pierre-et-fabienne-/  France. Niort, Deux-Sèvres. Stop the auction on December 11, 2017!  Cancel the procedure of forced sale of the Animal Farm, Arche & Relais, 13 equines, 3 ewes, 10 dogs, 20 cats, rescued animals, of Jean-Pierre and Fabienne!  Ask the judge for clemency and more time!
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http://www.awf.org/projects African Wildlife projects
