Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Petitions and More, September 6 US-info. Urgent! If the current Fiscal Year 2018 Appropriations bill is passed unchanged, America's wild horses could drop to near extinction levels. The bill, as written, would lead to the mass killing of healthy wild horses on the range! Please OPPOSE any measures that allow for the reopening of U.S. horse slaughter plants and the killing or sale for slaughter of healthy wild horses and burros!  US-info. Fate of Horse Slaughter Depends on Your U.S. Legislator! Support the Titus/King/Polis/Curbelo/Lujan Grisham Amendment, it would protect our wild horses and burros from mass killing at the hands of the Bureau of Land Management; and the Buchanan/Roybal-Allard/Royce/Blumenauer Amendment, it would prevent the USDA from funding horse slaughterhouse inspections, effectively banning horse slaughter in the U.S.!  Take action and call for the end of exports of live animals outside the EU! Sick, wounded, dead animals ... and thrown overboard! US-info. Tell your member of Congress: Defend whales, dolphins and other marine mammals! Reject all proposed changes to the MMPA! Brazil. President Temer, do not sacrifice the Amazon rainforest to remain in power! No clearance of the protected areas in Brazil for deforestation! Scadding Court Community, spare fish the pain and suffering of being impaled and netted, end the facility's cruel "Gone Fishin'" event Take action. Australia's peak scientific body, the CSIRO, has been a paid member of a lobby group representing the nation's biggest polluters - the Minerals Council - since 2004 Germany. Altmarkkreis Salzwedel. Save the animal shelter in Gardelegen! Brazil. The Municipal Dogpound in Domingos Martins is above the capacity with inadequate structure for the animals, create a new one  Yahoo-Japan. Immediately remove the suggestive posts of animal cruelty in Yahoo and remove the accounts (same IP address) Link is missing Spain. Create a passage for wildlife to avoid the death of more otters on the N-401, passing through the nature reserve! Russia. Protection of animals, punishment for cruel treatment of animals. No official target ... Russia. Prevent deforestation in the nature protection zone of the Moscow region! Protest. Fighting fish are sold in small jars that serve as lighting!  Don't Let Congress Destroy the Endangered Species Act! Tell President Trump that we won't back down!  No to selling out our precious lands, waters and wildlife to Big Oil ! Help Protect Cook Inlet Beluga Whales!
                    =========   News and more   ======== Poll. Swiss animal protection calls for a ban on competitions with doves and has accused the responsible association’s president of animal cruelty. Do you agree? Yes=ja


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