Friday, July 28, 2017

Petitions and More, July 28  US-info. Ask your Senators to Oppose S. 1514, this misleadingly named HELP for Wildlife Act (S. 1514), causing Wolves in four states to lose all protections, passed out of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and could be taken up for a vote by the full Senate at any time! US. Call Congress and Oppose Wildlife-Harming Offshore Drilling! Tell Century 21 to stop profiting from animals who are tortured and skinned! France. The dogs at association 'A new chance' located in Isère are dying of cancer because of the high voltage lines. We have to leave and request RTE to capitulate and compensate for the house and the personal damage!  US-info. Urgent. Oppose the Izembek Wilderness Road (H.R. 218 and S. 101)! France. Stop the massacre of Wolves! In 2017-2018, 40 wolves will be killed, in 2016-2017, 50 wolves were killed; we therefore call for the cessation of these killings (80% of the French are opposed) and the implementation of a real policy of cohabitation between human activities and wolves! Argentina. Save the community dog, el Negro Cordero who lives for 12 years in the hospital of San Fernando; the Hospital Direction decided to remove him onto the street!  Brazil. Estado do Acre. Prohibit the Vaquejada , Expo Acre 2017, 29 and 30! France. Have the Government conduct  negotiations with Viking Air and save France from fires! Germany. Rescue the natural area on the Marburg Ridge: Prevent the development as an industrial area and buildings Argentina. End the use of pyrotechnics in the municipality of Lanús and throughout Argentina Speak Out for the Dogs and Cats Suffering at Liberty Research! Stop Cruel, Wasteful Experiments on Dogs! Tell UPS to Stop Shipping Hunting Trophies! Our Marine Monuments and Sanctuaries are Under Attack France. Close the kennel Savoir Donner of David Denava. for sever animal neglect and fraude
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