Wednesday, April 5, 2017

KT Wiz, SK Wyverns and the Korea Baseball Organizations: help bring an end to the torture of dogs in the Dog Meat Trade!

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 .@ktwiz .@Wyverns_Story #KBO Korea Baseball Org Speak out against Dog Soju-cruelty product
.@doosanbears1982 .@NCdinos_fan .@lgtwins_news Speak out against Dog Soju-cruelty product
.@Kiatigers .@twittlions .@myjdc2Speak out against Dog Soju-cruelty product
Subject: South Korean professional baseball league, help bring an end to the torture of dogs in the Dog Meat Trade!

Dear KT Wiz, SK Wyverns and the Korea Baseball Organizations:
We are reaching out to the South Korean professional baseball league to help us bring an end to the Dog Meat Trade in South Korea.
We ask you to please watch the videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry:
Professional athletes are highly visible role models and have tremendous influence on their fans and aspiring young athletes. What they do and what they say can have a large impact on their fans.
In an article published in the Gyeong Gi Daily Newspaper, when the members of the baseball teams KT Wiz and SK Wyverns were asked what types of food they eat to maintain their strength and stamina, they picked dog tonic (dog soju, dog elixir) amongst the few. Kim Sun Min of the KT Wiz cited Dog tonics as an important part of his diet. Many other professional athletes share this belief that dog tonics and soups are an important part of an athletes’ diet.
The slaughter and consumption of dogs in Korea is a brutal and cruel industry. The farming and methods of slaughter are unregulated, and this allows the dog meat trade industry to practice in an entirely uncontrolled environment, placing these animals in horrific conditions and treating them with unimaginable cruelty. They promote the misguided belief that the adrenaline release which occurs at death improves the quality of the meat, so that the dogs are purposefully tortured and made to experience extreme fear and suffering at slaughter. This often takes the form of prolonged beatings while being hanged.
From birth to death they are kept in cramped cages raised off of the ground, so that their feet never touch the ground their entire lives. They are fed food wastes in extremely unsanitary conditions. Their treatment during transport to slaughter is horrific. They are packed so tightly into cages like stuffed animals that many die from being crushed by the weight of the other dogs. They must endure extreme heat and cold, and are given no water during the days-long trek, so that many die of dehydration.
Moreover, the health risks to humans are all too real.
By the time these dogs are slaughtered, they are so sick with untreated broken bones, infections and malnutrition, that anyone who has not themselves witnessed the documentaries of this practice has no idea that the meat that is going into their “health soup” and “tonic” has been harvested in the most disgusting and unsanitary fashion.
This practice is barbaric and has no place in a modern society, particularly one with such high standards as South Korea. If these athletes were to ever witness first-hand the horrible path that has been taken from the dog (which is very frequently someone’s pet or companion animal which has been absconded) to their bottle of tonic or bowl of soup, they would be sickened and mortified.
This is not an argument against what people should and should not eat. It is an argument against an unjust and cruel practice. It is an argument against the treatment of fellow living animals. It is an argument against the negative health impact that this has on us humans.
The fight to end this barbarity is being waged by activists around the world, and with increasing awareness it is gaining momentum. We urge you join us in putting a stop to this.
An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
Thank you,

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