Saturday, April 11, 2015

Petitions and More, April 11

Unesco, Int./Brasil, no more children and animals during rodeo's More signatures please: No to the expansion of the Lab testing facilities for piglets and lambs in
Gent, Belgium Russia, we support the legislation, to increase fines and imprisonment-terms for crimes towards Animals! Pope Franciscus, speak out against the mistreatment and torture of calves and bulls in parts of Spain! Spain,  assign these 2 small abused dogs  to a Humane Association, punish the alleged offender and prohibit him to have animals in the future Veto reckless Wildlife Bill HB 1551
                      ==========   News and more   =========  Still going. Do you support a repeal of the Fox-hunting ban? Vote NO every day please (53.22 % now) Use translate please: Vote for the researcher who contributes most to the replacement, reduction and refinement of animal tests


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